can you paint between lamination layers?

The fu**ed up painted rails saga continues. I used wrong paint but have managed to paint over the bad paint with water based paint and it did a good cover job. So I moved on and lammed the deck (wrapped) with 4oz.

However I have a new problem. I am wondering if I pull too tight with squeegee. Now it’s dried it looks terrible, I do scrape a fair bit with squeegee, trying to keep resin weight down as low as possible but maybe going too far. When I lammed and wrapped the rails I noticed some patches of grey (bubbles). I used a wet finger (resin) and rubbed more in which made it look better and removed the grey patches (which is why I think I am pulling too tight and scraping too much resin out). But when it dried the grey patches all returned.I have attached a couple of pictures to show what the rails look like.

It looks like 5hit so thinking of two possible ideas, grateful for any votes:

  1. Spray again over the deck 4oz lam (black water based acrylic Liquitex paint as used under), then lam 4oz wrapped from bottom as I planned

  2. Lam clear over, then before hotcoating board, use some black pigmented lam or hotcoat resin to paint the rails black with resin, then hotcoat board as normal once that’s dry.

I am not sure if paint between the lam layers will be a problem or not, it will be lighter than black resin but that wont be much consolation if the damn thing falls apart! I don’t think it will but wanted to ask as somebody here probably has experience where I don’t. Having said that, if the issue is caused by my lam technique, I could possibly make same mistake again so maybe black resin is better idea?!! Any comments appreciated.

The lap around your rails is where a lot of the boards strength comes from. The strongest lap would be good glass on glass. 

Best case imo would be lam everything then paint after hotcoat. I would also take this board as a learning experience, surf the crap out of it and make the next one better…

Bingo.  Make it acceptable and move on with that experience under your belt. Don’t paint between glassing layers.  Over the sanded hotcoat works.

Thanks guys. yes I definitely won’t be making that mistake again! It’s the worst board I have made, the rest were all great compared to this reject!! Kid surfing it will destroy it in a year, but I just hate to turn it out with those marks on so I will probably lam it then do a black resin paint on the rails before hotcoat. Here goes nuthin!

Thanks again

I’m sorry my friend that you are having these issues.  Go back to basics.  Review a few videos on line and listen as well as watch.  From your description I really can’t visualize what you are going thru.  But yes it all starts with the right paints, painting on foam is done for a reason.  If you paint between lams there is always the risk of delam. I have done dozens of restorations and painted over old glass and then glassed with 4 oz.  hotcoated, and then glossed.   But there is always a possibility that the 4 oz. could let go.

I am curious why after dabbing resin over those spots (and more or less fixing the problem) that it reappeared after cure.  I think if you paint the rails with pigmented lam resin and ‘massage’ the resin in to those areas with gloved finger tip you should have a reasonably good result and no bonding issues.  

Thanks John, yep that’s what I am gonna do I think. I found a black Acrylista paint pen and that could cover the grey paches nicely but I am concerned about mixing paint between resin so I will go with the resin. If it’s a bit heavier, maybe next time the little tyke will go for a CLEAR board!! :smiley:

Thanks guys