canard quad fin templates ...Some questions .....

Have people here who ride canard quads played around with the fin templates and positioning much ?

I’m wanting to make a set , preferably TWO sets, actually , for the fcs tabbed ‘bushfire fish’ [see: ‘fin templating on board’ thread] …

  1. one single foiled set, and one double foiled set.

  2. one set with smaller sized fins , and one set with bigger sized fins.

Why ”, you ask ?

…So I can “mix and match” , and swap the front and back side fins around from each set.

Have people here used the back fins as front fins , and the front as back fins ?

…if so , HOW did that setup go ? Did you notice any difference ?

Okay , here’s what I want to try out …

First option : I’m thinking bigger front side fins , and a smaller back canard fin.

Second option : a smaller front side fin with a bigger canard back side [?''trailer" ??] fin .

[Making two sets will give me at least four options , because I ‘could’ also ride it with …]

Third option : all four fins being the ‘canards’ , as well as …

Fourth option : all four fins being the ‘conventional’ side fin template .

Anyone like to share their practical findings on riding these different setups , as well as if they could (?possibly?) actually FEEL any difference with riding ALL four fins as single foiled , and all four fins as double foiled ?

Thanks , your experiences of these different scenarios / options would be most appreciated

cheers !


I’ll reply to boost it for you, Ben. Maybe no one has played around with them. I don’t know nearly as much about fins as many others but, to me, it just doesn’t look right having the back canards up front. Maybe it’s the front ones that prepare the water for the rear and the back ones just don’t look up to the job - you’ll prob experiment and find they are great! Blakestah replied to my question in Oldie’s post that most quads are single foiled up front though someone else also said his fins were all double foled.

thanks Chris !

well , yesterday and today [saturday , here] at Hicksy’s , I made both .

A thinner , smaller fibreglass single foiled pair …

Then, a thicker , bigger , double foiled wood pair…

…to be continued …

cheers ! 


In the canard setup, relative fore-aft spacing of the fins is real important. Good drive occurs in a narrow range. Too spread out and its super stiff, too close and feels like a twin, loses thruster-action.

I’d recommend starting as close to the true canard quad specs as possible, then fiddle from there and how it goes.