Carbon construction with sanded colored finish

Hi guys,


I have been contemplating some of the old Naish sups and recent Freedom foil boards (see attached) built with carbon and finished with partically sanded colored coatings.

Also, I was wondering what would be the best way to get this finish on a EPS/epoxy/carbon contruction.

I did manage to get something similar in the past by spray painting some color on top of the carbon, sand it a little and then gel coat on top, but the latter was not sticking very well if I remember correctly.

Would a double gel coat (one colored) one clear with partial sanding in between would do the trick?

If yes, how heavy can I go with pigments in my epoxy gel coat?

Cheers, Moku

Hi, I think this is a colored cheater / filler coat. Look at lemats boards. Color/ epoxy / micro slurry…

This is a way to do. Can use how much pigment as you need. Alternative is to lightly paint and water sand. This is how it’s do on painted sandwich build. They first do it to reduce weight then it became a standard look.

This is a way to do. Can use how much pigment as you need. Alternative is to lightly paint and water sand. This is how it’s do on painted sandwich build. They first do it to reduce weight then it became a standard look.

Lemat, I don’t understand the sequence.  You paint with epoxy friendly paint, wet sand, then clear coat a clear filler coat on?

all the best

Two way:

First: seal coat with tint epoxy resin, Sand then finish coat clear.

Second: seal, paint, Sand lightly then clear coat varnish.