I put carbon heel dent resistant patches under my core.cell skins all the time.
I’m going to add some to a regular US blank as well so this is what I do…
I have two tempered glass doors that I salvaged out of one of those cheap wall unit stereo deals that they used to sell in the 80’s and probably still do…
1: I lightly wax the glass doors with any release wax, even a good car wax then buff smooth…
2: I tape a piece of nylon peel ply down to the glass on what will be my bottom glass layer.
3. I can either lay the carbon ontop of the peel ply coverd glass and wet out there or wet out on plastic then transfere to the peel ply covered glass. Depends on how nice I want the weave to look…
4. I lay another piece of peel ply ontop of the wetted out carbon, then place the second glass door on top of that…
5. I add weight’s to this sandwich of glass , peelply, carbon, peelply and glass and let cure… Not until it’s rock hard but until it’s still quite flexible… Maybe 2-3 hrs. or so , quicker if using K.K. of course…
6 . Pull apart the waxed glass sandwich and carefully peel of the peel ply from both sides of the carbon.
7. Using scissors, I cut the perfect pattern of patch I want, you can even make a few ready for later…
8. I tape in place the carbon patches where i want them on the board and lightly trace around them with a pencil.
9. I tape off around the outside edge of this pencil line and lightly sand the inside area of the foam down to the thickness of the patch…
10. I stick the patches into the lightly recessed area, with some epoxy, then lift the perimeter tape… I lay out the fiberglass or install the deck skins in my usual manner…
This method is more time consuming but the carbon is cut perfectly with no freyed edges, is wet out the right amount, an most importantly there is zero bump where the patches are… I’m not a real fan of slapping on lots of hot coat to blend bumps…Or sanding down core-cell skins to remove patch bumps from below… I don’t like the look of frayed carbon edges… They look hack…
Sandwiching the carbon between 2 layers of peel ply draws off the excess epoxy as well as leaves a dull finish perfect for laminating to…
I’m in no rush, so this is what I do… Try it, or leave it…
I’m basically turning my carbon cloth into a form of carbon veneer, nothing more…
Shhh… I think someone’s listening… I’d better go…