Carrico Surfboards???

Hi everyone, I got a quick question. Looking to get a new noserider and wanted to get a local shaper in the VTA area and was thinking about picking up a Dennis Ryder Retro longboard, but I saw a nice Carrico. Never heard of the shaper did some google searchs and found James Christie is the shaper. Anyone have any more info on the shaper and background. Good board? Bad Board? looks nice, glass job, shape etc… Thanks

James Christie was a ghost shaper for Matt Calvanie for years.  Most of his boards were glassed by Dennis Ryder, a few by Waterman's Guild.  I rode his boards for a year and enjoyed them.  Currently I ride Dennis Ryders boards.  Dennis's boards seem to ride better for me.

go with dennis ryder.he'll make ya what ya want, it will be a bitchin' shape job and super clean and tight glass job.all done in house...

What board did you end up getting?