
Just got a CarveBoard from eBay – it is really very different. I live on LI where it is pretty flat and although it is fun, def not the ideal place for it. The good news is that my family has a place in the Pocono Mnts…where I will leave the CarveBoard. I give you all updates while I recovering from my inevitable wipeouts.

The board is really well engineering and so very different from a skateboard.

Them’s the ones with rubber wheels, looking like a mountain board? Like mid 300 bucks?

I use Indys, triple risers, cutouts, 78mm scooter wheels, standard freestyle deck and I can drag palms front and backside, drift to control speed, and the whole setup is about $150.

We got the hills, some flats, and some long, windy, brand new blacktop!

very cool LeeDD – sounds like fun – not sure how much the will run ya new – got mine used – your contraption sounds like fun – but very different from the carveboard – have you ridden a carveboard or just looked at the retail price?

Just to get things straight…

Carveboard is the ones with the rubber wheels? Like about 7" diameter, and pretty good traction? Size of a mountain board? Big, oversized springs in the trucks, mounted waay forwards and waaay back? Is that the one?

Like a flexi feel, really low center of gravity, but the whole contraption weighs like…I dunno, about 12lbs.?

That’s the one I rode for a day, bus’in up the hills above UC Berzerkely and riding down to the flats, where I live. Some windy roads, mostly paved new blacktop, thru the Campus, down Francisco, to home.

Like it’s not handy. Kinda big and clumsy for the back of a Honda Civic (my car).

To be ridden with helmet, gloves, and some pads…major G-force, but not good speed control while drifting.

I like my skateboard better because it’s safer (speed control by drifting the rear end), handier, cheaper, smaller.

Oh…in years past, I’ve ridden SanFrancisco, from Russian to Nob, Twin Peaks to McLaren, thru Presidio, down CliffHouse hill, Skyline Blvd. to McyD’s, Mt. Davidson 20 rider Friday 2AM’ers, Lombard and DeHaro St. (twice the length of L), down Fillmore and Divisidero, down from CoitTowers, and quite a few more.

did you get the air pump with the board? I found a HUGE variationi in how the things ride with changes in the tire air pressure. Joe Gerlach emphasized the importance of dialing in the boards. Be sure you have some sort of little bike pump with you and a mini tire gauge. I rode for two full days before realizing that “Jumpin’” Joe was right. Thing goes like a knife through butter once dialied-in. Your legs will be smokin’ from the workout…

I own a Surf Stik one of the boards made by carveboard but the skateboard like version. Though I live on Miami, Fl it’s super fun and a good workout. I’ve had mine for about 3-4 months and can’t put it down for a sec. Especially with all the sucky surf here. Definitely worth it especially if you have a good skate park around. The best is if you have a bowl in the skate park puts you in a wave like scenario.