Caveat Emptor - An Ebay Tale

I know the guy who owns the original Pacific Vibrations painting. He was offered $100,000 for it twenty years ago and turned that down. I think some of Rick’s ‘Dead’ work would sell for much more. There are many Deadheads with deep pockets. Older ones, anyway.

The Griffin family is in the process of trying reign in all the bootlegs and counterfeits around, but it’s not easy. Ebay is full of fake stuff like this board, and a lot of low priced bootlegs and such. I have been assisting Rick’s daughter a little bit on that end and also helping her get copies of things she’s never seen before. One of the top Griffin experts passed away recently and we lost a valuable resource and good friend of the Griffin family.

What baffles me is that Jipp was told to remove the listing when he had it up for $25k. Now he relists it at 13k. Does he think dropping the price makes it suddenly OK?

Bad move. I just hope no one is foolish enough to buy it. I wouldn’t pay ten bucks for the thing.

Here’s what’s highlarious ;  All of the above stated is pure speculation.  I just came from Lincoln City Surf Shop and had about a two hour conversation with Mike about this board.  The fin is the early Fins Unlimited fin set up of the Lexan type.  Fin is notched and fits into a box with a screw at the back end.  There is more evidence to support the idea that the board is authentic than there is to the contrary.   This board has been listed a number of times on EBay over the last ten or fifteen years.  The listing being removed previously has nothing to do with any family request.

$100,000 for the Pacific Vibrations poster??  Sadly not true.  I notice you never name names.  Rick’s work over the recent years has lagged in what you or I would consider to be proper appreciation.  They couldn’t get a minimum bid of $10,000 for the Parrish board at Seymour’s auction a few years back.  Maybe some Day.


I did not say it was the PV poster. It is the original painting. The one that Griffin painted over an earlier image, then changed his mind. I have seen the painting in person and up close you can see brush strokes from the first one, underneath.

Also, Griffin never painted a board that was shaped by Parrish.

If Jipp claims he has evidence that proves authenticity, then why doesn’t he provide that? Second hand tales from a guy who knew a guy who knows a guy is just BS.

One only need to look at the crappy pics Jipp has in the auction to know Griffin never touched the board. The only thing “Griffin” about it is the image that was borrowed from the Bill Graham concerts poster. Big Brother and Santana, Sept 1968 aka BG 136

After  reading the “expert’s opinion I am leaning toward possibly authentic.  You’ve seen the original “PV” poster brush strokes etc. but have no proof.  My Son has a book of Griffin’s Art, but that doesn’t Mean much.  He’s no expert.  There is no Parrish board , but an auctioneer, the promoter of the auction and the owner of the board all stated such at a very public auction.  My feeling is that everything you  claim to know is second hand East Coast bull shit.  This is your “Fifteen Minutes”.

I had dinner with Seymour a few years ago and asked him about that board. He said it wasn’t a Parrish. It most likely was the fun shape that Griffin painted for Tom Bernardy. It was shaped by Jeff Timpone in 1987. One of the other people there that night was the owner of the Pacific Vibrations painting. He was the host of said dinner and Seymour was visiting him.  That person owns one of the largest collections of Griffin originals. He told me about the offer of 100k for the painting and that was a good twenty years ago.

Attached are pics of Rick painting Bernardy’s board at Tom’s house, a photo of the finished board that I took, and a message I got from Bernardy about the board, the auction, and the date it was painted.

Read my sig line

Very cool. 

From all I have heard over the years and as Griffin fan since the 60’s, the Timpone board is the ONLY surfboard Griffin ever airbrushed. 

Which is on semi permanent loan to SHACC.

Along with the original Pacific Vibrations artwork as well as the two pieces he painted on a friend’s bedroom walls in high school that were rescued from a Haggerty’s 'hood house being demo’d.

Conserved and mounted by yours truly.     



Two other boards with Griffin art.


You’ve proven the Board was a Timpone.  If you had evidence to the contrary you should have peresented it way back when I brought it up.  Instead you preferred a pissing contest to exhibit your superiority.   I have no problem being corrected when evidence is sufficient.  But guys like you prefer a forum to display their ego.  You’ve proven that the “Flaming Eyeball” was a Timpone.  Your superiority bull shit has been going on for quite awhile.  You could have ended it any time with sufficient evidence.  You prefer an ongoing campaign.  Few know the efforts you have made to ban me from this site.  You tried to go after me in Via PM, but I diidn’t Take the bait.  Funny you take this little tit for tat so damned serious.  Not me.  You seem to know a lot, yet we never see anything you have actually done.  No resin on your shoes.  No dust in your ears.  In this case the only thing I was wrong about was the shaper of the board.  The board Was listed at Seymour’s Auction, it was reputed at that time by the auctioneer (who got his info I can only assume from the owner) to be the only know Griffin Art on a surfboard(key word “known”).  It did not sell at that time because there was high reserve and not ONE bidder at that reserve.  Ibelive the reserve was $10,000.   $10,000 and not one bid for this great work of art.  Lots of other boards were sold that day.  So either surfers are cheap.  They had all bought other boards up to that point and had no $$ left or Nobody in that room was willing to pay $10,000 for an airbrushed surfboard.  You have already proven previously that their are two other Griffin boards out their.  Maybe Jipp’s is a fourth.   Maybe.  

There is one other board that is unquestionably done by RG. It’s a short quad that was part of the Griffin retrospective in Laguna Beach in 2007. He painted it as a tribute to the people who lost their lives in the downing of a British Airways flight. I don’t recall the specifics of that incident but I know Griffin painted the board.

If you are involved in the SHACC and had a hands on connection to that painting being hung, then you can verify the owner’s initials are JG and that he’s from New Hampshire. Am I right?

Here is the second board, as it appeared in the Laguna show

McDing and Sammy should get a room and hug it out.  ;^)

I have never tried to get anyone banned from this site. The only PM I ever sent you was a photo of myself and Seymour, to show you that your constant dismissal of what I say is misguided. Now, you change your tune. But you still have to throw in personal digs instead of just discussing the facts. It seems you are too sensitive and prone to lashing out when someone disagrees with you.

Your favorite slight aimed at me is typically along the lines that I am “internet educated” or that all I know comes from books. You have tossed those in my direction many times.

Ad hominems do nothing to further a position in a discussion and are usually an indication that a person’s position is flawed or just plain wrong.

Then you add another logical fallacy by talking about “resin and dust”. None of that is relevant to the subject at hand, but I suppose you thought that would make another clever dig you could aim my way?

As mentioned before, I have a policy of not addressing you directly because you aren’t worth my time. I made an exception here to illustrate where you have failed.


I have yet to see any evidence or hear any supporting testimony that the board Jipp is selling was painted by Griffin. So far, all indications are that Griffin never laid eyes on the board.

Nothing about it looks like his work, except the “borrowed”  heart and torch image.

I’ve never seen that board in person so pardon this question, Is it hanging at an extreme angle? It looks the the back center fin can be seen in the pic, is that true? Seems odd it would be visible unless it was tilted significantly. Any pics of the bottom?

On an unrelated note, I hope McDing doesn’t get banned. He does provide good info in between his ‘other’ McDing comments. (I’m not in any way saying you or anybody else is actively attempting to get him banned.)

Remember when this post was about an ebay listing?

Yes, JG owns the Pacific Vibrations piece. 

I attended the Laguna exhibit and have the catalog they made for it but I honestly do not remember that board in the show and it’s not in the book. Curious.

Any idea of the wherabouts of that particular board?