Caveat Emptor - An Ebay Tale

Oh I’m not changing my tune on you.  You wouldn’t,have even known the board was at the auction if I hadn’t brought it up some years back.   Then you spent the next few years searching the web trying to dispute it.  I didn’t have to search the net.  I was there in Person.  I don’t think I ever missed one of those auctions and usually took something home.  My greatest memories from those auctions were things like sitting at a table with David Nuihwa(sp) and family, talking to Dale Velzy and hanging a bit with Henry Ford. (Who always remembered me as that guy from Pismo)   You sent me a pic of Seymour.  If your mug was in the pic I definitely would remember that.  Even that pic could have been pulled from the net.  I’m admitting I got the shaper of a board wrong.  It took you these last few years to send enough emails and do enough research to prove me wrong on one point.  By the way, question for your expertise;  What category or title would you attach to Grif’s work.  “Cosmic Christian”?   “Born Again”?

There was a Shaper from Pismo Beach who shaper under the JG logo.  Pismo Beach being the Central Coast and the Same locale that Mike Jipp purchased his board from.  Not asserting, just pointing out a coincidence.

As I said I was at the shop and conversed with Mike quite awhile about the board and took a look at some nice Greg Nolls that he recently added to his collection.   The one thing he did tell me for sure is that No One has requested that he remove the listing.

Here’s the thing;  I posted pics and a thread on this board a year ago. I made no assertions in that post.  No comments from Mr. Expert.  Instead he has spent the past year stewing and trying to dig up whatever he can to start shit.  He knew I posted the pics last year and his whole purpose in this thread was to draw me into a heated discussion about Griffin etc.  This may be a thread about an EBay listing as someone stated.  But it’s intended purpose was to start shit on a surfboard build site.  Since he has so little practical knowledge regarding shaping, glassing  etc. of course he has to fall back on what he has read and researched online to feed that Ego.

More ad hominems, false accusations, wrong headed assumptions, and the usual bad thinking.

I will just go back to ignoring you, as you seem to have some “issues” and difficulty telling fact from fiction.

I would respond to all of the ridiculous things you said in your attack on me, but I don’t have the time or the crayons to walk you through all of it.

 I shot the pic from up in the second level of the building, so I’m looking down on it from this perspective. The museum had a “no photos” policy so this was a quick ‘stealth shot’ taken with the crappy cam in my phone. Someone sent me pics of the board and I may have a shot of the bottom. But this was all I got given that pics were verboten.

Jay owns a lot more Griffins than just that PV painting, but you probably know that. He was wise to start collecting surf art before it became a ‘thing’. Like, back in the 80s as I recall.

That board by Griffin was hanging from the ceiling in the room that had most of his newest work. As you may know, the exhibit was arranged more or less in chronological order as you walked through the building. So it was in the room with many of his mid and late 80s paintings.

There’s a lot of things that were not in the book. I’m sure my version would have been different from what they chose. We all have our favorites and of course they could only fit so much. There is some talk about a new book being done that is far more complete and wide ranging. I’ve been helping with that in my own small way.

I don’t know where that board is now, I don’t recall seeing a notation at the exhibit stating who loaned it to the LAM. As you know, most every piece there had a card with “Courtesy of…”

I didn’t see one on that board.


Mcding should get a grip. He seems to have anger issues complicated by a persecution complex.

As a total outsider to all of this I look at the artwork on that board and my impression is that it is too amatureish to have been done by Griffen.  Looks like the work of someone trying to mimic Griffin.

$794.00 for a greenough? Spoon.ha! Not a greenough and really it looks to be a total hack job.i wouldn’t pay $25.00 for it. Reminds me of a line from endless Sumer when they were getting gas” it really is a jip”

A couple of years ago Someone in Florida was selling what they claimed was a Jerry Lopez hand shaped lLighting Bolt the signature wasn’t one of the lams but done in black Ink. The asking price was over $ 1000.  I had seen the same board for sale in Diffrent location without the signature for less then $200. There was a time that just about every third board being built by every Tom dick and Harry put lighting bolts on their Boards. 

The board in question looked pretty amateurish. Even in the Photos the color work was sloppy. Laps looked uneven. Even the newly applied signature looked Bad. One the ink was not faded. Just a deep black  You would think a 40 year old suntanned and faded red color would also have a very faded ink signature. The scammers are alive and happy to take advantage of the gullible. 


That shaper is Jerry Grantham and he’s no longer on the Central Coast having relocated to Hawaii over 20 years ago. I  don’t know if he’s still shaaping , but maybe some off the Hawaiian Swaylockians have run across him.

Bogus Bolts are probably the most common fakes out there. Plus, tons of people think it’s a Lopez just because it’s a real Lightning Bolt, or because it has that lam with his name in script. Any board shaped by him with a Bolt label must have his name on or near the stringer in upper case block letters. That is how he signed the Bolts he shaped.

Here are better shots of that board, top and bottom.


Most of the Bolts with the Lopez lam were produced in the Hobie Factory.  Tons of those Boards were shipped to the East Coast. 

Yup. Bolt enlisted Hobie as a mainland licensee so they could save shipping costs to the mainland.

Some of the earliest Bolt ads to appear in a magazine had “Box EH, Dana Point” as the contact address.

A good bulk of those Hobie Bolts were shaped by Munoz.

Bill T probably knows more about this.


Hell, I just noticed that. I always thought it was a three fin, even though I’ve had these pics for years and must have overlooked that.


Funny!  Just got off the phone with Allen.   L