Central Florida Fish Fry

I haven't taken any pics of it yet. I can do that in the morning and em to you. Thanks for offering to post them.

Would have liked to make it out but maybe next time. I had a last minute change in plans but at least made it out to catch a few waves.

I'm waiting patiently to see pictures of "the bulletproof" kevlar model.

Pompano and Steve Forstall

Note pompano’s Compsand down in front with his cool cross-section cutaways of different compsand methods. Those were interesting to look at up close.


Chris Birch & crew


Rainbow Dist., Ricky Carroll & FCS guys. RC had a TON of boards to demo and the FCS guys were demoing fins as well.


Balsa Bill


Gum Surfboards, these guys had some amazing looking boards. The shaper Brett (on left) did it all, shaped, glassed and polished. Some nice looking classic boards.

Neilson Surfboards

Sticky Bumps giving out free wax, nice touch

The waves, the fact that we had fun decent sized surf all day in Florida on a weekend is amazing in itself

The setup

Mark Richards twin and '77 Sunset Gun

and here is the famous kevlar Coil


5-10, 22.5 wide


More photos on the Coil thread.  Enjoy

Yup that's a coil alright. Love that shape and overall look!

Saw two of surfercross' coils this weekend. Such beautiful work. I love how Mike blends his rails to everything else, so buttery. Karl and I got killer surf sunday at a local semi secret spot, got one nice barrel and Karl got a few. Surfercross loves his coils.  

Buttery.  Great word for the look and the feel.  As I rode it I felt in control, but slippery?  Or smooth.  Not finding the word for it.

But the quality is easy to describe. Impeccable.

Sunday was fun.  Had to ride a longboard, because these old arms just gave out after Saturday and it was a bit mushy.  Long lefts.  Glassy.  One sloppy frontside coverup.  Noodles for arms.  Felt the glow all the way home.


Have you posted your secret weapon built for that secret wave?

Well the secret wave I never surfed before and its a long walk. So I decided to bring the big board for the other specific spot. The secret wave broke way different, closer to beach, steeper, curvier, peakier, shorter rides, so I was way over-boarded with a 7'1. Had a blast anyway and stoked to have a new spot, which was under my nose. The 6'3 Griffin would have been perfect there tho.

I posted a side shot of the big board in another thread, I made it for a fast down the line wave very close to the secret wave. Totally different, lined up, like a point and goes fast the first 50-70 yards, then sections towards the inside and you can work it. 100 yard plus rides.  Spread out take off area, shifty with currents. Needed a longer board to get around on it. Been having a blast on that wave with the 7'1. The speed of the wave with that board is very addicting!!! Even tho, turning performance is limited compared to my shortboards.

Side shot. Compsand, started out as straight bits and pieces. Got it set up as a Twin now. Works great! Its my high performance "longboard". 


I like the relaxed entry.  Equals fast for me. 


OK, Hijack is over.

Holy Shiz Dave that was supposed to be a secret wave.Now the world will know what they could be missing.Oh well!Dave did get some pretty good waves out there that day hope there will be more to come.He was riding that board damn good as well and he was catchin waves easier than I was!

Anyways that kevlar coil fish looks insane and I wish I would have had the time to go to the fish fry.Maybe next time!

Its pretty cool to see this kind of events goin on here in florida cause it seems like all the cool shit happens in cali but not anymore!

New video from the fry on:


At 10 seconds there's frame or two of GT's parabolic-crossed-at-the-tail-stringered creation with my spoon leaning against it. At 11 seconds you can see the kevlar Coil for an instant.

Also looks like they've got another scheduled for 1/2/10? Jeez, we'll just keep the thread up!

Saw Sam Barker on the WMD at about 4:48.  One of the first ones made.