Channel bottom resin dam?

I did some short channels on th twinzer fun gun I’m working on.  After glassing the bottom with 1 layer skinz(.7oz nylon non woven veil) , a 4oz S glass patch and 7.5 oz volan the channels are pretty rounded.  Is that OK?  Or does the hydrodynamic efficiency require hard edges.  If I need hard edges how do folks do that?  Resin dam?


or sacrificial layer of 4 oz…in a zipper cut

Tape inside channels like a Hot Coat.

Cheater them,pull the tape and Hot Coat as normal.

I have a special sanding block I use to shape them into the foam.

Nice radius.

I use the same block to sand the Hot Coat as well.

Fits like a glove.

Nice sharp edges on the channels is way better than rounded ones.

The board is a rush job, trying to complete before Swayholics at Big Sur. I’ll probably retrofit the edge to the channels. Pretty shallow channels by the way. Maybe 5/16" deep?

I should listen to the advice of Oneula who told me never to rush a board. It has some…ahem,aesthetic issues. Ah well. As long as it rides nice…

The difference in performance will be barely noticable. Altough there definately is one.

Besides that difference, clean sharp edges look more professional.

So it’s up to you. I wouldn’t care, but my boards don’t look professional :wink: