has anyone ever done artwork with charcoal? my friend is a very talented artist and i was wondering if you can do it directly on the blank?
has anyone ever done artwork with charcoal? my friend is a very talented > artist and i was wondering if you can do it directly on the blank? I’ve done lots of charcoal drawings. One of the characteristics of charcoal is that it can be easily smeared and blended. This is good for achieving certain artistic effects. Bad if you accidently smudge the artwork. Charcoal work on paper must be sprayed with a fixative to prevent unwanted migration. Charcoal works best on certain types of paper. It may be hard to apply to foam because of the porous nature of the material. I can tell you that it’s really messy stuff, especially on clean white surfaces. I’d be concearned about what happens when you apply the glass and resin. Charcoal is basically a powdery substance. Kind of like glassing over a layer of dust. My advice… test it out on a scrap piece of foam. Even if you’re able to succesfully glass over the charcoal, keep in mind the possiblity of delams. Another option would be to have your friend do a traditional charcoal drawing on paper. Scan or photograph the artwork and print it out on some surfboard friendly paper.
i’d say test it out. do a small drawing, then spray it with clear acrylic. glass it, see what happens.