Check out my new board!(w/pics)

Hallo Swaylockians!

This is the first board I made. Now I’d like to have some impressions from you, who certainly are

more into the shaping/surfing process than me! :slight_smile:

I made it this summer in Greece (and I didn’t surf it because there were no waves/swells this summer in my island) in one week, working without knowing much about shaping…

I didn’t have any preshaped blank, it’s not easy and cheap to have them in Greece (but we do have waves! Not ocean-like waves, but still surfable waves). So I used a

extruded polystirene blank that is normally used to thermically isolate buildings.

That’s why it has that light cyan color. It had no natural rocker so I shaped the blank to have a

rocker, but just a bottom rocker. The deck is pretty flat because I didn’t want to have a very thin

surfboard with less resistence and floating capacity.

I was aware that cutting the foam in half to insert the wooden stinger would loosen the capacity of the blank to support the rider’s weight, so I decided to put a stinger perpendicular to a normal

surfboard stinger. I guessed that this would harden the whole surfboard, leaving it enough flexible.

I had many problems glueing it on the blank, in fact there are some air bubbles between the

two lyers of fiberglass I put on. I made very soft 50/50 rails.

The fin is attached and glassed on the stinger, and the leash plug is very homemade…you can see it,

please have a moderate laugh…

To glass it I used a single layer of 150grams/m2 fiberglass on every side and a SP106 laminating epoxy resin. I also used the same tresin to hotcoat it.

I used a template taken from the book I found o the net “Surfboard design and construction”, but I scaled down the original width because the blank was not large enough. I wanted a minimalibu like surfboard, wich is a good board for mediterranean waves.

Here are the measurements (hope you understand them, because I don’t know how to measure in

feet and inches, so I used feet and decimal fractions of feet):

length: 7,57 feet

width measured at 1 foot from nose: 1,342 feet

center width: 1,89 feet

width measured at 1 foot from tail: 1,267 feet

center thickness: 0.164 feet

Maybe next summer i’ll surf it (I live in Italy ad the board is in Kythira, Greece), hoping there’ll be

some waves… In the meanwhile I have fixed my delaminated deck surfboard, and I’m repairing some dings on a friend’s surfboard. I’m planning to shape a board for my sister who wants to start surfing. I red several topics on the forum and now I know many things more about shaping. I’ll make a completely different surfboard.

For now I’d like to have some feedback from you!

Ghia sas!


here are some more pics…

i like it

thinking out side the square for sure

hope it goes well for you

Wow, tavlas. Ditto what silly says. Let everyone know how it rides. With pictures, too. I’d love to see some Mediterranean surfing on homemade equipment. Bravo! Mike

Tavlas, you’re stoked! Nice improvisation.

I love people who are just so happy to surf that they find a way to make & use equipment, no matter where they are. Really good local sourcing here.

very cool! Hope you have many happy sessions surfing on your board.

you improvised, adapted and overcame your obstacles to build your own board. Great job. Hope you get waves soon!

Right on - I like the retro green foam!!! - We’ll keep our fingers crossed for mediterranean waves. Have you ever surfed the breaks of Sardinia? I had great sessions there two winters ago.

…I love the type of houses like the one in the photo…

…please can you shoot some pict of the waves?..

Ok Guys!

Thank you all for you comments and support!

Here’s a present you may like…



has she got some nice curves

u made my day :slight_smile:



has she got some nice curves

u made my day :slight_smile:

The board obviously :o)


your board was created in the true spirit of the surfing stoke, you saw waves and did what you had to do to ride them. On a side note I read an article, some time ago now, which suggested the Greeks had come up with surfing thousands of years ago ,going on keyhole shaped boards and some art that had been dug up, have’nt heard anything else since but maybe your following in the steps of your ancestors. keep up the good work, your sisters look fit.

Wow! this is new to me! Ancient greeks surfed? I’ll have some research on it.

Thanks for all!



definetily like your stringer AND girls!

jimmy yoshio shibata