Check out these photos from Sheboygan, Wisconsin 1967... is that a Mirandon Twin Pin I see????

[img_assist|nid=1042173|title=Check out these photos from Sheboygan, Wisconsin 1967… is that a Mirandon Twin Pin I see???|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=383][img_assist|nid=1042174|title=Check out these photos from Sheboygan, Wisconsin 1967… is that a Mirandon Twin Pin I see???|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=484|height=640]

could be! some of those boards look like circa '69 more than 67…

I agree - definitely a twinny ala Mirandon, you’re right Kawika.

But what looks like a Weber (Dewey - that is) in the center and what could possibly be a Design One on the left would definately place things at '69 or so. The (possibly) Design One sure looks gunny for the Great Lakes - but hey, we were all riding some pretty inappropriate stuff during the “revolution”…


Edit: Is it Webber - 2 "b"s - I forget…

What is up with surfers from the “Extreme” North and South Mid-section of the USA? Like the Texas Super-tanker surfers. I know that’s an old photo/story but those guys North and South sure know how to have fun with “little or nothin’”. Lowel