check out this out,thank these guys,that's why you surf

at the very end,what’s old is new again

Thanks for that Kava - Very cool.

yes Kava, thanks for sharing

when I saw the guys surfing,1916,I knew I had to share this with Swaylockians,what with all this alaia resurgence.I think those are olo boards,they look long.Olo were made of lighter,wiliwili wood,alaia wre shorter and heavier,of koa and 'ulu(breadfruit) wood.Could one of those guys be Duke Paoa Kahanamoku?Anyone watched the movie “The Ride”,from Third Reef Pictures?It’s my favorite surf movie.Aloha.

                                                               "  Keeping Swaylocks Polynesian" to paraphrase somebody :slight_smile:

mahalo kava

it gives  me some insight as to what it really was like back then.

My grandfather graduated from Kamehameha in 1909 and my dad was born in 1922 middle of 8 kids.

when father talked of riding the train or donkeys or horses from the westside to town its hard to envision it. seeing those tracks and surfers it gves me more insight as to what it was actually like back then. You here the stories but its hard to imagine life back in the 20’s-30’s

made me feel closer to my kupuna

Oneula,I was lucky enough to grow up with a Marquesan family,and spend some time in the Marquesas.When you look at the old lady and the old man,they look so much like Marquesans,it’s chicken skin.Aloha,Ke Akua me 'oe

Beautiful piece of history.


So do we credit the Germans for exposing surfing to the world? Marlon Lipke being on the world tour is now not so strange.
