Check out your shop for a week

Is anybody on here from Cali who would be willing to let me "shadow" them or check out there shop for like a week. I grew up surfing and I always wondered how the board I was riding at that time I wanted to know how it was constructed. I mean obviously foam and glassing go into the process but I want to know more. Now I am at the tender age of 23 and I want to get my hands dirty and learn from someone. I figured I could order a blank and even with the net I still wouldn't know what the heck I was doing. Someone give me the shot. I would be around just for a week I wouldnt get in your way and I could help clean your shop or whatever for free. Just show me a thing or three and you get free help on whatevas brah.


Mahalo Nui Loa

Greenlight surf supply do it your self kits.

“Now I am at the tender age of 23 and I want to get my hands dirty and learn from someone.”


When I was 23 and wanted to get my hands dirty, I bought a blank and a surform…sand paper, planer,resin, catalyst, built shaping/glassing racks, had garage & tool exp.

Anything less is just  laziness on the internet trying to scramble up a job.


Nothing more truer than the quote from A2Tall

‘If you can build it. Stoke will come’