Cheyne Horan Buddha board

Hi to all,

Has anyone had a go at making a Cheyne Horan “Buddha” style board yet - short, thick, wide tail, narrow nose, hull like front end with soft rails running into a concave or flat rear end with hard rails - single fin of course ?

I am intrigued by the look of this design. With the board being so short is it possible that weighting onto the front foot as you surf would give you some of the control and “pull” of a hull design and weighting back give you some of the looseness and squirt of a flat, hard edged, wide tailed design - or is this just too much to hope for ? Would this require a widepoint halfway between your front and rear foot placement areas ?

Any insight or ideas that anyone could offer on any of this would be much appreciated.



some day…

Thanks for the photo mate - just what I needed to see.



I found the earlier thread on this board with the dimensions. 5’6" x 21" x 3 1/4". I don’t know how tall or heavy Cheyne was at that stage. So I’m not sure what to scale it up to for myself if I want to have a go at making one. I was thinking 6’2" x 22" x 3 1/2" (I’m 6’3" and 220 lb). Some advice by someone with more experience in these things (which means almost everyone on Swaylocks) would be greatly appreciated - as would any thoughts on how a surfboard like this might handle.




before I go thought I’d let you know I think I bought something like this from Solo

It’s the 6’8" Cheyne replica he had for sale here…

Looking forward to giving it a Hawaiian test run this winter…

Let me know if you want a review


Of course I would love a review of said board - I’ll check out Solo’s site also. If you’re going where I think you’re going, good luck mate - my prayers and thoughts will be following you.



G’day RDM, hope I can be of some help.

I rode modern singles through the lazor zap days and shaped myself many variations. I never shaped myself one like in the pic for a few reasons, and now years later I would not do it for the same reasons.

I know Cheyne ripped on it (he ripped on anything!!!), but it seemed a bit corky, a sensation I also experienced on my thicker boards. It has more than enough lift in width.

I love the rail transition from hard upper deck to hard and edgy lower tail. I think it would function really well on a thinner board also. However the centre and forward rails in the pics I’ve seen seem pretty full and round, which although forgiving, could feel a bit mushy. Again a thinner board could help.

I never did ride one, so my advice is very admissable. If you get a chance go surf on one, maybe you’ll love it.

Thanks for the advice Wildy. I never got to ride a Lazor Zap in my youth - which is what fuels my fascination in them for me I think. I feel pretty comfortable on my Nugget which is thick (3 1/8") and wide (21") so I don’t think the feeling of corkiness would worry me to much - I’m pretty clumsy and heavy footed so forgiving rails and the aforementioned corkiness are probably suited to someone such as myself. The rail and bottom transitions from one extreme to the other is what interests me so much. Thanks again.



Have you ever seen the Pleskunas/Ekstrom finless flow rider boards? Way more angular (due to the molding process) but the same radical rail transitions on an even shorter board…

What happened to Cheyne anyway? He was posting here a lot a few months ago.

Hey Lee,

Thanks for the info - will have a look. I think there may be some details in a Surfers Journal I have about the Pleskunas/Ekstrom’s. I ordered a starfin off Cheyne recently and said Swaylocks hasn’t heard from him for a while. He said he has been really busy with his surf school but planned to get back online in a week or two when he had some spare time.



The shaper i know has one in his collection, its the hull shape one, just like in the pic above.

I took it out one day, in some hollow waist high shore bread, it slots itself in the barrel unbelivebly well.

loose and fast, i had a greenough 4c in the box.

basicaly it has a double concave vee in the back, and the hard tail rails fade up as you go up the nose, the rails fade into a hull like design, the nose rocker is much like a short board, but fades into a blunt nose edge outline where the rails are turned up.

you look at the thing, and think, how is this goin to work, it blew me away how well it rode.

def goin to make one one day.


Hi to all,

Has anyone had a go at making a Cheyne Horan “Buddha” style board yet - short, thick, wide tail, narrow nose, hull like front end with soft rails running into a concave or flat rear end with hard rails - single fin of course ?

I am intrigued by the look of this design. With the board being so short is it possible that weighting onto the front foot as you surf would give you some of the control and “pull” of a hull design and weighting back give you some of the looseness and squirt of a flat, hard edged, wide tailed design - or is this just too much to hope for ? Would this require a widepoint halfway between your front and rear foot placement areas ?

Any insight or ideas that anyone could offer on any of this would be much appreciated.



Funny…I actually rode my replica yesterday. Bernie also had one like mine. The first two were shaped by Terry Fitzgerald after that it’s my uderstanding that Ricky Carroll did the rest of that style. Linden did one also, but it was a differnt style. The ones we reproduce for the keels specifically are done by Ricky Carroll…though some of the other shapers we use also do a great job. The difference between that Keel board and a lazor zap as done by Mccoy is the outline is slightly different and the rails are hard as opposed to more dulled as done on a Mccoy.

Here is a picture of a 5’11’’ I think we still have in stock.

Thanks for the photo Solosurfer and for the “ride report” Moonie.

It’s great to hear something about how this sort of board actually surfs. Many thanks again.



Now I don’t know must about the board but I do have a deep respect for Cheyne as one of the true inovators of surf board design. Just a though but if he doesn’t chip in, have you tried PM’ing him as he sometimes posts here. I’m sure he would find the time to help or at lease get his blessing.


Now I don’t know must about the board but I do have a deep respect for Cheyne as one of the true inovators of surf board design. Just a though but if he doesn’t chip in, have you tried PM’ing him as he sometimes posts here. I’m sure he would find the time to help or at lease get his blessing.

I doubt Cheyne will post here again. He has been modded twice. Try him on his website.

Solo, can you believe it? My single finally found a new home!!!


Solo, can you believe it? My single finally found a new home!!!

I am really happy for you. Hope the bath wasn’t too hot. Lets do the vid deal. I have been really busy. E me.