China surfboard factories

Between $90 and $190.00 I think Global cost shipped to the door is $160.00 for large orders. If they actually own the company and have a direct connection your looking at around $90.00.

Boardworks: if you buy the moulds: shorty $235.00


Between $90 and $190.00 I think Global cost shipped to the door is $160.00 for large orders. If they actually own the company and have a direct connection your looking at around $90.00.

Boardworks: if you buy the moulds: shorty $235.00

That’s interesting – $90 to $160. Now with a poly blank at about $100 US, it cost me about $160 to build a board for just the materials. According to US anti-trust law, I cannot sell my board for less than $160 or it falls under predatory pricing. How is the China man getting away with this?

Cause it doesn’t apply to our foreign competition. Only Americans. NAFT, CAFTA and others are crappy for your average American. In their case they are not selling it for less than it cost them. They don’t have to worry about being sued if someone dies while inhaling stuff or on the job. No Workers Comp, few if any benefits, Nothing you or most business men here have to worry about. It’s called anything for a buck and screw who it hurts. The law of the jungle.

Thanks Fluidedge again, for the info - very informative – Any idea on when timeline for these guys? Have they made any molds yet? If not, when are the molds going to happen? Thanks again —

I picked up some samples today (enough for two boards) but they are in block form and I’ll have to shape them old school style. I also received a call from the company that will be blowing the blanks. He will be receiving the raw materials sometime next week. I do not know more than that right now, but I’ve seen what this company makes, and if they can’t blow a close tollerance blank then we are S.O.L.

It all looks and sounds like it’s moving very fast. The two samples I picked up today are like I said are if rough block form (4" x 12" by 8’). I will be shaping a couple fun shapes soon.

thanks fluidedge - i’m at the asr in SD and will be checking out the foam update at the sima conference on the 20th. Would be nice to start a new thread to hear updates on how your foam situation is coming. The PU i’ve sampled thus far is awesome under a planer, but i have yet to see a mold also. aloha

These were for 2004, as I remember.

$125 for a 6’4" with a Australian blank, US resin and cloth. Even at slave wages and rents, they are not making any money – this looks like dumping. $15 for FCS? How do you install a $25 product for $15? I am all for playing hard, for competing and winning. But, these bastards sure look like they are cheat’n to me.

I like the 6oz top and 2x4oz bottom on that form myself…LOL…as soon as surfin became “popular” and the thing to do,it was inevitable that the money grubbers would follow the scent…seeking the newbie market for boards and fashion…chasing the $$ sign…and running the local shaper out of business,or at least taking a chunk of his potential profit…like Solo’s moniker “if it doesn’t make sense…there is a buck in it somewhere” …have fun…

A good listen about doing business with the Chinese.

Howzit Shine, Those FCS are Chinese knock offs and I don’t think FCS is very happy about them. My old FCS rep told me about a bunch of Chinese built boards that were on Oahu that had them and FCS made the shops carrying them replace them with the real FCS set ups. They even hired a guy to do the reinstalls for them. I wonder if those are knock offs of the old plugs or the new ones. Aloha,Kokua

mate i dont know if you guys realise but, this was a conspiracy between

the chinese manufacturers and several big shaping companies. the

chinese bought out clark foam in a multi million dollar deal. too

much for clarky to refuse. the deal was that he was to make it

look as though he got shut down. then the chinese could come straight

in and crank up production to fill the gap. they could produce

the blanks for half the price of clark which meant cheaper surfboards,

the whole deal. boards only last one year as it is so it was decided

that who cares if the blank quality was shit cause the boys get a new

one in twelve months anyway. i heard that apparently a few of the big

shapers were in on the whole deal too. a couple of not to be

mentioned shapers bought into the chinese companies. all they had

to do was choose not to pass the cost saving on to surfers which will

give them more dollars in their pocket. and in the first couple of

months after armegeddon, most of their small competitors would end up

folding as the blank companies hold off the supply to the smaller guys

and keep the big boys in production. think about it, this is all a

conspiracy. they are out to get us all, im heading for the hills

to wait for the third coming of jesus christ.

if the foam is of consistent densisty, and they can stretch the blocks out to 10’, and can hold the cost to less than 100 per block, then i would think they have a winner. i mean…we are shapers, are we not?

I do not know what the cost of the new blanks will be yet. I talked with the guy that is blowing the blanks on Thurdsay evening. He will have the liguid material in his posession sometime this upcoming week. He has the know how to blow a blank within a 16th of an inch from the final product. I have advised him that as a shaper I assured him that the blanks will need to have some play in them. He asked that I spread the news to find out what the top 20 of the blanks sizes are so he can focus first on getting those out to the shapers. So, any help in the list would be great. I know the few that I shape most for my market, but I need to know more about the other markets. I feel certain we certain (based on the information I have been a part of) that this will turn us all into happy shapers and surfers alike. Please submit your lists of choice blanks to:

There’s a surfboard manufacturer that makes hollow carbon fiber surfboards that also split into two pieces. This manufacturer has made his living selling his boards to Americans and would not be in business if not for American surfer. Now it’s quite possible that the surfers that have bought his boards are not responsible in any way with the production process, but they the ones that are spending thier money in America. Well anyways this guy has decided to increase his profit margin by sending all the production work over to China. I personally think companies like these should be ran out of business and the propieter beaten by a angry mob of unemployed American workers. Karl pope and all the other manufacturers that are using chinese labour to produce thier product are robbing us, the Americans. We don’t get any benifits from purchasing thier products, the price remians the same.

Fluid edge, I only really know of one major PMI foam manufacturer. I know you need to be licensed to blow the foam and they have a plant in Colorado and a distributor in NH. How long have you guys been at this? If you’re blowing the foam, why at that density? I was thinking about ordering some of this foam and I’m sure it would be a great blank. I thought you needed to make it with a special procedure so that it has a consistent density? Am I thinking of a different foam or manufacturer?

TurboJets/Fluid Edge:

PMI Foam is very Hydroscopic and expensive. Did I mention it is Hydroscopic?


The comapny making these blanks has been in the business for several years. The process is patented and the chemical company providing the material used to make baords in the 60s and early 70s. Within two weeks they will have 12 molds done and within the next 60 days they should have 40 molds. The thing with Clark was that each blank was hand poured. These balnks are blown by machine and the densities are from a 2lb to 4.8 lb (seven densities total). I will be getting one of the first blanks next week to shape and test. Distribution will be in California, Texas and Florida at this point. Additional information is coming in quickly. The most important thing is that we will have foam made here in the states the meets and/or beats EPA regs. I’ve had and tested the samples. When the foam hits the market there will be much applause throughout the ranks. The process is state of the art.

i think i saw him(jesus) but the locals sliced his tires and stole his surftech so he might be a little late