China surfboard factories

It seems that since “Blank Monday” there has been a lot of advertising of Asian made boards and factories here on the site. It wasn’t long ago that that sort of thing was frowned upon. A few short weeks ago we were ranting about the eveils of such things! Is it just me or has this lack of blanks caused change of attitude here at Swaylocks? What happened to our made in America spirit? Just because we are all experiencing a brief lack of materials, we shouldn’t compromise on our soul. Im just not getting it! It will take awhile to get things back to normal. I realize that advertising pays the bills, but I never expected to see it here. Keep the spirit alive!

I received samples on Friday of a new MDI PU foam that meets and/or exceeds EPA requirements. Production of these new balnks will be starting soon and I believe will be “Made in the U.S.A”. The person that will be making the molds etc. went to the trade show this weekend and I hope to be talking with him soon. Keep your fingers crossed, but i heard he want to start blowing blanks last week but the samples were not ready yet.

The blank samples shapes just as easy and the glass adhesion is better than “Clark”. I’m super stoked to be part of something coming to save the day.


People have a right to make their own choices. Builders in the USA need to decide how they will compete in a future where cheap imports are common place. Builders need to organize – to continue to promote the virtues of their product and impact on surfing. The consumer wants a good product and a fair price. China cannot build custom boards for your home town break.

Made in America spirit? On Swaylocks? Pretty much an International crowd. A make it yourself spirit is more accurate. mike

Soul in surfing? That is a state of mind and perception. Everything in life is a compromise. Surfboards will be made in China, and there will be Swaylockers who will consider and/or purchase these boards.

Shine is correct, it’s awareness that should be promoted, so we can all make what we believe to be the right decisions when it comes to making or purchasing a surf product.

This is a forum for people all over the world, including China with surfboard design as a central theme. There is also a SwayBay. There is no doubt that the very people leaving these oversease advertisements on our site are probably longtime surfers, perhaps of U.S. or Aussie citizenship that are taking advantage of the global market.

Beware the lurkers on Swaylocks…

The subject has been brought up among Mike and moderators - it is still under discussion.

I agree that those who shape will make there own decisions as to what they shape and where the source the product. But I also feel that we need more competition to continue the growth of the materials being used for environmental reasons. I think right now is the time that we should be glad that the world as a whole is in this together. It’s funny though, it was not until December 5, 2005, that we saw what one company contributed to something so dear to our very being.

Thanks fluidedge - can you be a bit more specific – i just also had a person send me a foam sample of PU that was actually in a 5 inch by 5 inch by 3 inch block of foam. VERy promising if it all works out. The guy said that he wouldn’t actually have production up until early march. I’m curious to know - [if you feel comfortable providing that info of course, ]

  1. did you recieve an entire blank sample that you shaped, or was it a small block of foam?

  2. were the compression characteristics similar to clark?

  3. Was the skin of the blank smooth, or rough (textured) like clarks?

  4. when did your guy say that he was going to be up to production?

  5. has he poured a full blank yet?

  6. is your guy located on the east coast or west?

  7. time line for your guy? when samples arrive, when are his products going to be readily available to certain people, and when are his products going to be ready to the mass backyard shaper?

Thanks fluid edge - I think you have everyone anxious with your post –

Here is a little more info, but I must remain silent on the names (Represented by ***) at this point. I can say that I will be meeting with the chemists today to review in house at their facility. The samples I have were blown on Thursday and were still very fresh. I

******** delivered some samples of the PU foam we

spoke about last week. I would like to report my initial findings:

How can I say it best… It make me want to cry to know we may have a winner.

Tears of joy of course.

All humor aside, here is what I found:

1 - The initial view of the product (before any cuts, just raw blocks) I really

was not sure due to the swiss cheese look on a few sides. I thought there may

be larger air voids within. So I held it directly up to my flourecent lighting

(after cutting a sample from the parent block) there were no voids (air pockets)

or what we call snails (thick string like areas of foam) within. This made me

very happy. After talking to the source, I found that the equipment being used to blow the foam was being pushed. The swiss cheese look was only on the outside (maybe 1/8 into the foam if that). I was told that on the actual full pour this will not happen.

2 - I secured the sample (2’ x 2’ x 4" as best I could) to my shaping rack and began to cut

with my hand saw. This tool is used to cut the outline after the template is

drawn. The cut was smooth and very acurate.

3 - I the used my power planer to simulate the cleaning up of the template

outline. It was music to my ears. The foam had the same textured ring as Clark

maybe even crisper.

4 - I proceeded to use my surforms (hand planes) to simulate the shaping of the

rails. Once again, I could not find any faults. The powder produced seems more

crystalline, heavier in weight (good for the reduction of flying dust) and more

grain like than Clark which seems more like a silky powder). From what I

understand, Walker foam has a similar crystaline characteristic and it is a

welcome issue with the use of colored pigments and paints.

5 - I then proceeded with the screening of the rail shape. The foam, when

screened, like Clark produced a clean finish shape with minimal effort.

6 - I then took the sample to the glassing room. I taped off the cut area to

sample the glassing of the foam.

  • I did notice a slight odor coming from the foam (Very Slight), but

nothing to warrant any red flags. I’m sure it is due to the different

checmicals in the foam, and for the fact it was a fresh blank I also smelled the same odor while shaping, but no big issue.

7 - I will let the sample glassed ares to cure overnight and review in the

morning. I will be testing the adhesion of the fiberglass to the foam.

As I have mentioned earlier, I think you are most surely on the right track if

not spot on! The foam has an acceptable brightness and I do not feel it will

hinder any artistic applications.

Oh, one more thing, about the foam sample. I understand that it has a 3.5 lbs

density, but reduces to 3.0 lbs as you move to the core. I mentioned to ******

that I have heard the Walker blanks are more dense the deeper you cut and/or the

same density throughout.

I hope this helps a little.

…I used extensively the MDI foam and is no better than TDI ones…

MDI or TDI its better than none at all!!!


Soul in surfing? That is a state of mind and perception. Everything in life is a compromise. Surfboards will be made in China, and there will be Swaylockers who will consider and/or purchase these boards.

Shine is correct, it’s awareness that should be promoted, so we can all make what we believe to be the right decisions when it comes to making or purchasing a surf product.

This is a forum for people all over the world, including China with surfboard design as a central theme. There is also a SwayBay. There is no doubt that the very people leaving these oversease advertisements on our site are probably longtime surfers, perhaps of U.S. or Aussie citizenship that are taking advantage of the global market.

Beware the lurkers on Swaylocks…

The Chinese as a country are not our friends at this point. They mistreat and murder their people and they are ruthless in their application to business with little regard for the fallout here in the states. 30 million dead chinese over the last 60 years since communism took over. Seems like I remember surfers getting up in arms about South Africa to the point of not buying any products made there and boycotting surf contest there. Guess money changes everything doesn’t it? Why should surfers support this country or the cheap product they produce. Let me ask you what someone asked me. Do you want a chinese made car? If not, why would you want a chinese made surfboard? I am no hypocrite, I considered it myself for the same reasons everyone else has, but until forced, I think I will hold out and count on American or Australian ingenuity to win out. We are probably going to have to fight them one day anyway unless they ease up on Tiawan.

I don’t want to get a political discussion started, but frankly, you can’t discuss china without discussing their horrible human rights record today as in the past. If we deal with those that murder their people and mistreat them, what exactly does that make us?

Solo- I have read your posts here and there, and I have admired your stand in this all.

Surfing as a sport, leisure activity, or lifestyle, however one may perceive it or live it, is merely just that. It is fine-tailored to each one of use.

Surfing as a business, like any other sector, is a different story. ‘Business’ seems somewhat capitalistic, competitive, and generally unfair, although we would like it to be- especially when it comes to surfing.

Surfing is popular worldwide. Those who come to Hawaii every year can vouch for that. Though most of us on this site are U.S. nationals, I particularly don’t find it right that America should dictate what boards the rest of the world surfs, and where surfboards are made.

Made in the U.S.A. has some validity. But surfing is not, and shouldn’t be, about the U.S.A.

I am individual in the sense that I will find a way to surf in a way that is meaningful to me. And it’s not really important to me how I go about doing it.

Is Aloha about what surf shop you support? Or whose boards you buy? Not really to me. There’s a few of us here on this island that don’t care if the board is made overseas, as long as it rips. A surfboard made in China might indeed be better than a car made in China. I know 97% of my clothes are made in China and they wear just fine. I’m in general agreement with your signature, “If it doesn’t make sense, there’s buck in it somewhere.” There’s a reason for that.

But I am only one opinion. I am only one surfer. Not to be heard again on this subject.

Good one gnome. I appreciate your post. I am in no way advocating surfing should be about America only. I love the mix of surfers around the world.

I continue to post the bit about Chinese lack of human rights to emphasize who it is we are supporting when we allow countries like china to cloth us, give us our cheap radios and now to possibly supply our surfboards, while at the same time grossly mistreating fellow human beings. Consider this; many chinese will never be able to enjoy the very surfboards they produce for some here to enjoy. Many will die of lung problems and etc. so American department store surf shop owners can provide cheap surfboards to spoiled punk surfers and adults trying to save a measly $50.00 or $100.00. If that amount will break someone, they shouldn’t be buying a new surfboard at all.

the lady from fresno who showed me the chinese board from costco

and asked me about the ding.

after a long analysis from me

said’I’ll just take it back when we get home"

“they have a great returns policy”

is the rumor that taiwan industrialists

had located manufacturing to mainland China

as the enviro cleanlliness has slowly become a concern

or that the cheaper labor was irresistable.

the human rights in our own home towns are erroding

imminent domain.some topanga guy tole me more houses are going to make way for BEACH PARKING…

oh blah dee oh blah daa

life goes on brah

la la la life goes on

foam is good

mm good foam


mmmmm hot chniese surf kids

cruising the coast north of hangkow

the garden city

an a clear fall day

when the fruit trees are

going off,maybe 2040

the decade of chinese affluence bloom

and the typhoon swell of the decade

dont tell any body about drouyn’s

twelve points all rights,a surf hacienda on each one

…disappointing googles for this thread , I must say.

I was hoping to be able to click onto some good chinese takeaways world-wide

…the sequel to the “pizza dough surfboard” thread …

What is the retailer paying for a poly short board from China?