Chippy and Hicks.................old archive stuff..................

I was looking for my pic-post of my mod.Hitachi planers w/ the m-16 pistol grips.For some reason or another there gone ??? What’s up wit that huh ? I found ID=240,but there was a more recent one with the m-16 grips installed…Whatevers…

Here’s something I did find…enjoy !

Here’s the shot of the planer w/o the mod M-16 grips.

Herb? Not sure it’s the good one…

I noticed lots…well some of my archival stuff …vanished !@#%#



I guess big brother might be leaning on the site to LIMIT my activities here …I KNOW !

It’s a Conspiracy !!!

Well ?

Hey Herb,

Can’t be sure about the archiving stuff, that’s Mikes department…

I’m sure I’ve seen some of those pics only a little larger spomewhere on here…

Did you find the lighter core worked better than solid wood, how long did they last for in comparison.

I would imagine that a ding on the rail could cause a major snap under normal riding conditions…

Hope your Rx is going well Herb…

Hey Herb - I’ve noticed that a lot of the older archives (not just yours) seem to have problems of one sort or another - formats get messed up, photo links lost, references to other threads don’t work. I think it’s mostly because the whole web page has been reorganized over time… unfortunately I don’t know how much of that is fixable without a whole lot of work.

There are web pages that allow you to go find other sites (eg Sways) as they were at prior points in time. It might be possible to pull down some particular photos or posts that way? I haven’t tried so don’t know for sure…

Thanks Keith,

I guess it goes back to the ol saying,

                                                  " The only thing permanent change".

Final production boards were honeycomb,but my favorite were the hi-density foam core jobs.

The wood cores lost memory too quickly,and the honeycomb center boards were to stiff.

The molding process was done with uni-directional mat glass and minimal saturation of resin.Most likely pressure molded.Kirk Putnam could answer that better.I only was around the factory once or twice a year via Don Sheridan.

Hey Herb.

This is a link to the site that Keith mentioned. You put the url of the webpage you are interested in, and then pick a date you are looking for. It’s not guaranteed of course, but the page just might be there…

Hope you have some luck. An M-16 grip eh? Be neat to see. I think, after seeing Balsa’s thread on moding a planer, I will search the archives a bit and see what various people have done to their planers. It should give me some ideas.

edit I just plopped Swaylocks’ url into the site and there are quite a few archives of it throughout time. Might get lucky… if you can remember when you put it there. :slight_smile:

I remember a post about a handle modification, but I think it was on a Bosch? Anyway, that is the next mod I am planning to do on the Hitachi. All those new planes feel like irons, I need a straighter handle. Can anyone post photos of the Clark handle mod? Or the link, in case it was already posted?


I replied on the other thread…

I will have to look myself. I thought that I had bookmarked a couple of those threads on planer mods, but no luck. Time to do some archive searches!!