Choice Surfboards....not quite vintage?

A guy I’ve worked with for 20 years shows up with this surfboard… Filthy dirty wax on board. Scoping it out in the parking lot on my 15 min break. I say 60 bucks to get it water tight… but there’s some delams and other issues I can’t see…la la la la…Blah blah…might cost you more, ec, ect ,ect…were good friends… Just looking for info on board…the 60 dollar repair is a Bro Deal…for a good friend…





Tapered stringer…interesting…Old school Moonlight logo. Cool… Poor work on fin repairs. deck is delamed under stomp pad.

The owner wants to ride it… (but he’s 50 )… I see cool old board that was well used…Wall hanger?

What do you think?

I thought that was Rich Pavel’s brand(?)  Don’t know if he shaped them all.  Fix it for the guy and let him ride it.

That’s a great loking board!

It’s Pavel’s label, for sure. He also does boards under the Green Room name, and Axis. The fact that it has “surfboards and sailboards” in the lam would probably date it some time in the 80s. That was  the period when sailboards kept a few shapers in business, before the longboard resurgence.



I have one in a 9’8" gun configuration. Made approximately 1996.  I’m guessing this is about the same time frame…give or take 5 years.

Squiggley pinline were the rage in the mid 90’s

Thanks for the comments everyone. I was hoping mid to late 80’s but the shape seems a little too refined…So let’s say 1990-1996 based on Resinhead and Sammy??? … The owner has a big ego and wants to tell me all kinds of stories about how the board rips…Ha,ha, he wants to loan me the board…So I can charge on it…too funny…

I went hard core fixing the delam areas and all the dings. The crazy pin lines gave me a place to cut into the board…no build thread this time. Have a great day…Ray