I was wondering if anyone had seen the boards that Chris Gallagher has been shaping lately, there was a couple pictures of them in the design forum section of the last issue of Surfer. The boards have a raised concave deck to allow more control and greater strength. The concept makes a lot of sense to me as I wakeskate and the new standard seems to be concave decks, they give way more board control. Anyway just wondering if anyone had seen them and what blank you would use, I was thinking the 6’2" C.
The 6’2" C , 6’3"R and 6’7"R are pretty flat decks you can order custom decks also, I’ve made concave deck boards before and made the mistake before of going two deep.(not have much float)BB
I suggest the new hard core foam to prevent deck colapse this masterfull breakthrough in technology makes it possible for the first time since the spoon kneeboard to lower the deck without this deterioration flaw potential if you cannot get th hard core blank you might think about insetting hi density foam in the standing area… ambrose