CI opening in Bali


 In envious in the least. my thought at first were how does this make sense as a business decision.  I now understand the concept and it does make sense. 

Kayu ,  Actually that makes sense.  Boards will be built for cheap there in Bali or close by at Cobra or some other factory.  They will be machine cut " models " that you buy there. It saves you a boat load of buckes on luggage fees.  Return the board at the end of your stay or have it shipped home. Shipping cost a lot less then baggage on an airline.  if the board is sold back to the shop yo have in-effect rented a board for your stay.  CI makes money on all the transactions.  Someone else will most likely buy that board used for there stay in Bali. it would be easy to keep a list of used boards on a web page.  Buy the Board used . CI offers a guarantee of condition. The cycle is once again put in motion.  Once the board is used to the point of not being very appealing It could then be donated to some poor grom in that area. 

According to the link , you order a new board before you land in Bali , then pick it up after you arrive…so , you leave it in Bali when you fly out? many used boards will end up as landfill in Bali in year , to accommodate this fantastic and brillianty concieved “business model” ?..or wasn’t that considered when all the geniuses sat down and demonstrated their brilliance , for all the world to see ?..the top end of surfing has become a total embarrassment…owned and run by a bunch of morons.

Looks like a nice building and kind of reminds me of Helena St.  There are good waves in Bali, and Channel Islands makes good boards, so why do you guys care if they open a shop with or without AM?  If I had all the money in the world, (which I don’t, because I am a surfboard shaper) I would open a shop in Bali too.  I am not the defender of CI, and in reality Al parted ways with me a long time ago, and in my opinion Alan Gibbons got jacked, and Malcolm too.  Anyhow, sounds like you guys are envious; if I was that type of person I would be too, but who cares?  I guess you guys do, and most likely because they are successful.  Get over yourselves and your egos, and go make the best boards you can, and then go surfing on them, and have fun.  Because having fun is what it is all about, and yes I abhore corporate BS, and big business buying credibility in the surfing world, but if you understood the surf-business world you would realize its more show and blow than you think, and I don’t do either.

Icc, Kelly as good as he is, is getting long in the Tooth. CI or for that matter any company that wishes to be a dominate Board company needs a young outstanding ripper that the groms can relate to.  

Not sure if the current state of things will allow for a boom like happened in the late 90’s untill a few years ago. Surfing is not the Cool must do sport it once was. People found out it is hard to learn. Unlike Golf or something like that you just can’t go surfing when you want to or have time to surf. You need Surf and for the most part good surf is fickle.  

 GSI and others have cut back I think that GSI was taken over by their creditors.  Simon Anderson had to close shop.  On The other hand some smaller core shops with really good boards are doing OK.  Shapers that put out a good product.  That are reliable and not doing the cookie cutter boards seem to be making it.  


CI is a chump change operation for Burton Enterprises, which is comprised of Burton, Analog, Gravis, RED, Anon, Foursquare, Forum, Special Blend and Channel Islands, all solely owned by Jake and his wife, literally billionaires at this point.  And good on 'em, they invented their own business model and totally dominated.

With that said, CI, which Burton bought during a time Jake was infatuated with surfing and it provided him with cred and a way for him and his sons to score some hang time with Kelly, is pretty much just running on auto-pilot now with low margin profits.  Which makes it a perfect time for Kelly and Al to team up and form a corp. which buys CI back from Burton.  If Kelly brought his competitive fire and supercharged quest for improved board design together with Al’s knowledge and ability to manage production, gotta think the results would be impressive.

On the other hand, might sound just a little too much like work to a couple of multimillionaires leading the good life…lol



Billabong themselves stated that the company is essentially worthless. I posted about this in the industry section. Big business and investment doesn’t meld well with the cyclical nature of board sports. Some cash out quick, some make it work, but most ride that wave right into the closeout.

race to the bottom

**     no love no heart  just numb **





  cheers huie

This is interesting. It was my understanding that Burton wanted to sell CI as CI was lossing money anda drain on Burton.   

 It was also in the News that Billibong is on the verge of going under as they lost about 500 million last year.  A new CEO is coming on board to see if he can save the company.  

 This could mean that pro surfing is in for a reality check.  Companies might not be able to pony up funds to pay team surfers or keep paying out for contest wins. 

What is a "Flagship Store" ??? What makes a "flagship store" different from a normal store?

I've never been to Bali..... but after clicking on your link I see that the new "CI Flagship Store" is on Sunset road right down the way from Burger King and Pizza Hut.......Thank goodness the real Channel Islands are now a National Park.

burton islands , with al merick decal under the glass :slight_smile:






thought he wasn’t part of that outfit anymore.


will there be a hotel and bar?

what about a tempe burger 

in the resturant? The growth of

International industrial Surfing

depends on this place’s success

the growing economies of

china and russia will really

take a shine to the status

of shopping here…MMMMMMMMM



if they make enough money maybe

some sheik will build a replica set

of Channel Islands just a little offshore.