CI opening in Bali

Looks like Merrick is setting up shop in Bali. With an instore shaping bay no less

see link:


The board is an 8 ft gun shaped by Geoff McCoy, its 19 1/4" wide and 3" thick, I have had this board for over 12 yrs it stays in Bali and gets a bit of use when there is swell. It has quite low rails and quite alot of nose kick as was more popular when I ordered the board, just realised I picked it up in 98, time flys. It is quite manouverable for its size and can be enjoyed in smaller waves if need be. If i get a good one I like to hold on to it, get them glassed strong with gloss and polish, they look nice and last a long time.  Will try to dig up a shot of it. Cheers

nice wave tombstone!  what board are you riding here?  got any more pics of the board itself?

This was the afternoon of the day the Padang Cup was on down at Padang Padang, there were probably 20 out at Outside Corner but as you know that can be a little slow going waiting for waves, but there were plenty coming through at the Bombi and only a few around, take what you can get.

4 people in the afternoon?? Lucky man?? (but hard to believe). I was there last month, it was packed all day every day…


You live in Bali Duran? All your threads seem to be Bali/Indo orientated? Maybe you work for C.I too?  In which case this should be in the surf shop section…?

I just got back from Bali 2 weeks ago and scored this afternoon at Uluwatu with 4 others, I also would warn others of the crowds and suggest not going. HaHaHa.

Hey Josh!! I love those old stories.

Yeah don’t go back haha!!

My Dad went in 74’, (he’s not a surfer though), the last 10 years I’ve been traveling Indo and my parents asked if they should go back…I said don’t haha!!


After a 15 year hiatus, went back to Bali in 07’ to meet up with my son who I hadn’t seen in almost 2 years, as he had been on an extended surfing and diving (certified Divemaster who teaches other teachers ) trip thru SE Asia.

I was stunned by the crowds in every lineup. Dozens and dozens of  surfshops everywhere.

Multiple surf schools at Kuta beach teaching a UN cross section of tourists.

Easily 100 surfers in the lineup from Outside Temples to the Racetrack.

And G-Land?  No more a boat ride across the gulf,

 the point reeling as you pulled into the shallows and waded ashore.

Now you could charter an a/c sleeper van and drive all the way into the now 3 surf camps.

Just gotta be thankful for having it when it was there to have…



Hey Marsh - I have a friend who was amongst the first to surf Uluwatu. The Locals were still awed by the spectacle of these foreigners magically flying along the ocean swells they would have ignored for centuries…


Anyway, he recently hankered for a holiday, and wondered about Bali. I said “Don’t go there, it’ll blow your myth.” He went to Vanuatu instead.



Did any of you old blokes go to Bali in the 70’s or 80’s? Would have been epic.


Everyone else can have Bali and the flag ship stores, the construction that is going on there is UNBELIEVABLE, no shit there was a rice field on this site last week (if its in canggu).





Hey Dead, nothing but respect for you and what you do.  I know you can look back at the whole CI thing with a perspective pretty spot on.  Uncle Al, could spot talent, and he learned how to shape at the highest level.  One of my friends Tommy Lewis, who I had the honor of being one of the last people he spoke to in this world, and new Alford, before he shaped, because Tommy shaped for Surfboards Hawaii, told me:  “I knew Al was going to be a great shaper, because of his approach to everything.”  And then he went into detail about a few things, and how he did them.  Anyhow Tommy Lewis is a legend now, and for those who knew him still miss him, he’s in the same class as John Bradbury, and that’s not taking anything away from JB.  That’s a rare class of people those two, and it was an honor to spend time with both of them.  Life is strange.

I’m just responding to your comments w/o reading more pages because it will put me to sleep and I’ve gotta pack boards then shape… you’re spot on is the bottom line, and knowing you are an insider, that counts for something amidst all the conjecturing or misconceptions that Uncle Al has anything to do with the corporate runnings or rumblings of the Burton Corporation.

Al worked his ass off, got some unusually lucky breaks, could spot & groom young talent, and came out of it like many of us shapers in the trenches can only dream about.  Al can go fishing, ride a few waves, sip a few beers, and live a good life.

As long as he doesn’t shoulder hop you, what do you care?  …not saying that to you, but to all the Swaylockians reading this.

There is never any point in a rebound when you’ve already killed it the right way… no sense in doing “a rerun”.

There’s a lot of wisdom in the saying** “been there, done that”.**

;O … ds

How to deal with mounting trash and waste is a problem.  For those of us that use a resource ( The Ocean ) I feel it is our duty to do something to lessen our Impact we have on the environment.  Surf Rider or some other group might want to think about how surf tourism impacts places like Bali. Those that profit from surf tourism should take some responsibility for the side effects of doing business.  keeping a pristine environment is after all in their best interest.  There are solutions to these problems. Finding the right solution to meet the needs of Bali or any other place in The World that large numbers of surf tourists gather should not be all that hard or that expensive. It is simply a matter of making interested parties aware and held accountable.

How to deal with mounting trash and waist is a problem.  For those of us that use a resource ( The Ocean ) I feel it is our duty to do something to lessen our Impact we have on the environment.  Surf Rider or some other group might want to think about how surf tourist impact places like Bali. Those that profit from surf tourism should take some responsibly for the side effects of doing business.  keeping a pristine environment is after in their best interest.  There are solutions to these problems. Finding the right solution to meet the needs of Bali or any other place in The World that large numbers of surf touist gather should not be a that hard or that expensive. It is simply a matter of making interested parties aware and held accountable.

^scary shit

The cost to fly your boards vs. the cost to produce in Indo; makes sense. Wondering about the quality of an Indo-made CI…

Indo’s garbage problem a bigger problem than the Fukushima nuke meltdown? Two-headed sharks in the Bali lineup next year?


The leaked water's radiation level, measured about 50 centimeters (2 feet) above the puddle, was about 100 millisieverts per hour — the maximum cumulative exposure allowed for plant workers over five years, Ono said.

Contaminated water that TEPCO has been unable to contain continues to enter the Pacific Ocean at a rate of hundreds of tons per day. Much of that is ground water that has mixed with untreated radioactive water at the plant. [quote]


HAve to agree with ghettorat, who cares. Make the best boards you can and go surf, that's whats it's all about anyway having fun.



I agree too.

But different people need different things in their  life, some thrive on stress some dont... I'm the later :) ohhmmmm

HAve to agree with ghettorat, who cares. Make the best boards you can and go surf, that’s whats it’s all about anyway having fun.

[quote] 'Kelly as good as he is, is getting long in the Tooth. CI or for that matter any company that wishes to be a dominate Board company needs a young outstanding ripper that the groms can relate to.' [/quote]

true from a marketing point of view.  I was thinking more about pure board design and how much interest Kelly has in that area.  And board design does advance under the feet of the best surfers.

Personally don't have a dog in the fight, as all my boards are customs made by small volume shapers.  Last time I rode CI's was back when Willy Morris was on the team, and occasionally scored a board of his.

[quote="$1"] ' sounds like you guys are envious; if I was that type of person I would be too, but who cares?  I guess you guys do, and most likely because they are successful.  Get over yourselves and your egos,' [/quote]

uh, think you're watching the wrong channel, time to replace the tin foil on your skull




…maybe I’m over critical Artz…I seen a recent doco on the garbage problem in Bali caused by increasing tourism…they are not dealing with it…it was disturbing…it’s about time the onus of waist disposal was factored into every business , everywhere…including the lifespan of the end product.