Ciba anybody?

Where can I get Ciba brand UV powder? I think it may be better than Suncure brand. I’m not sure. Never used Suncure. I don’t have connections anymore to get the stuff. Got on the Ciba website and got lost.

Where can I get Ciba brand UV powder? I think it may be better than > Suncure brand. I’m not sure. Never used Suncure. I don’t have connections > anymore to get the stuff. Got on the Ciba website and got lost. LongBeach fiberglass Supply.I don’t have the address or phone#,but they should be listed.Herb.

So is the UV catalyst simply a powder that is added to the resin in place of MEKP? And can the UV catalyst be used with any type of resin? I haven’t even started my first shaping exerience let alone glassing, but I’m trying to gather all the info and materials I can right now. I did buy a gallon each of Simlar lam and hotcoat with the MEKP, but after reading all the posts it sounds like the UV cataylst would be easier to work with at first. Any info would be oblidged. Happy Holidays to every one out there!

Thanks Herb. By the way. Don’t sweat the breakfast thing. I’m too far away. I’m sure Gene can eat my share. I think he has a hollow leg.

Alex: Yes, you can use the Silmar you already bought and add the powder form of the UV catalyst to it. Try the SunCure product or any of the other ones you can find from your supplier. I order a lot of supplies from The same owner of this company packages and distributes SunCure products. The powder additive comes in a premeasured 1 gal. unit package for $3.95. Well worth investigating UV cure laminations for the home builder. It cuts down on the fumes, less worry of shop temperature, virtually unlimited time for you to “get it right” and removes the problem of running out of resin or having lots of wasted resin before it kicks off. Tom>>> So is the UV catalyst simply a powder that is added to the resin in place > of MEKP? And can the UV catalyst be used with any type of resin? I haven’t > even started my first shaping exerience let alone glassing, but I’m trying > to gather all the info and materials I can right now. I did buy a gallon > each of Simlar lam and hotcoat with the MEKP, but after reading all the > posts it sounds like the UV cataylst would be easier to work with at > first. Any info would be oblidged. Happy Holidays to every one out there!

Speaking of the suncure approach (and I guess this is mostly directed at you, tom)…I have heard that suncure gives one of the strongest bonds! Have you found this to be true?..also, I’ve heard that even after the initial cure, the finished glass job continues to cure, SUBSTANTIALLY, and becomes WAY more solid when exposed to actual outdoor use (surfing the board the first month or so)…Is this true…to your knowledge? (seems to make sense, yeah?) …(“watergirly”/leslie jump in, at anytime!). thanks, kids!..tom.

Tom: I’ve not used anything other than the SunCure product so whatever I have to contribute relates to that product. It cures from the outside in, lower fumes than MEK catalysts, ready to surf sooner with full cure measured in hours or days not weeks or months and the whites seem whiter initially. I can’t say that the end result is any stronger in the long haul. No problems with delam or structural problems so far. I use it because it offers a wide temperature range, fewer emissions, and virtually unlimited working time. Great for the homebuilder. TS.>>> Speaking of the suncure approach (and I guess this is mostly directed at > you, tom)…I have heard that suncure gives one of the strongest bonds! > Have you found this to be true?..also, I’ve heard that even after the > initial cure, the finished glass job continues to cure, SUBSTANTIALLY, and > becomes WAY more solid when exposed to actual outdoor use (surfing the > board the first month or so)…Is this true…to your knowledge? (seems to > make sense, yeah?) …(“watergirly”/leslie jump in, at > anytime!). thanks, kids!..tom.