clark foam 9'4"b

I stumbled upon an ad on craigslist yesterday for a guy selling 3 clark blanks. I picked up a 9’4"b from him for $250. I’m just wondering what the value of it is. At the age of 20, I thought for sure I’d never get the opportunity to shape one of these, so i was stoked when i saw it! Its even still white! 


He also had 2 others(6’ and 7’ shortboard blanks) in the same condition. He’s asking $250 a piece for those too, So i’m also wondering on what a realistic value is for those two. I’m thinking about picking them up, but $250 a piece seems a bit steep for them even though theyre in great shape. what would you guys pay for them? 

Dang drifter. I think you got ripped off. That 250 would have been better spent on 2 US Blanks or a couple of Aussie poly blanks. Mike

Some longboarders might pay extra for a vintage Clark blank, but no shortboarder cares about that.  


I mean, the new foam is just as good if not better.  Pretty much the same choices and service. More choices really.  Your just going to carve that foam up into something fun and bitchen.  It’s not a classic car or motorcyle…  Hope that make sense and nobody else spends that kind of money on the others.  I do hope you enjoy your blank though.  This is said without saracasm.  Mike

I totally agree with you on the foam, the new stuff is way better, no argument there. But, i have some cool ideas on what i want to do with this one. I’d never pay $250 for the shortboard blanks, but this one was in great condition and i’ve never even seen one before. i just like having it, plus its a great conversation piece haha.


Sadly, you let the undeserved mystic of Clark blanks unduly influence your decision.     A 9’ 4’’ Clark blank is absolutely NOT worth what you paid for it.     That’s the downside.  The upside is, that the blank is now well cured!    Remember not to ‘‘over shape’’ the blank, as the density of Clark Foam goes down, the deeper you cut into the blank. 

Yeah you payed too much. Bashams in San Clemente still sells them for about $150.00.

I agree with the boys, the new foam is better.

I have lots of Clark lams if you need them.

On the other hand, at least the 9’4" B was a good plug/blank shape.  In my opinion anyway.

I came across a guy selling three clarke foams blanks too recently, and picked up two 10’3’s for $100.  Granted one of them had a massive chunk in the nose, but I ended up cutting that section off anyway.  Sorry you spent too much.

Barry, damn I wish I knew you had those,  I would have loved to laminate one of those into my board.  Too late now.


If you re happy with the purchase then it’s money well spent.  The value of something is what you re will to pay for it in the end. Mike

I am happy with what i paid for it, we dont see too many of them up for sale in florida where i’m at. Its only $70-$80 more than i would have payed at surf source (the only place near me to get blanks unfortunately).


And barry, i would love to get one of those from you!