Clark rocker adj.?!?!?!?

can someone explain the Clark rocker catalog? I don’t understand when the blank uses another blanks rocker i.e. “bottom matched to nose, bottom centered,deck centered,bottom matched nose & tail, deck matched to nose, natural nose tail bottom centered” etc. examples would be helpful. Thanks.

JR, Not sure if this rocker exists, but here is an example. 73R w/ 70A Natural Bottom Matched to Nose. They will take the 70A Natural Rocker template (Rocker shaped into 70A plug) and draw out the bottom rocker onto a piece of wood. Next they will take a cut in half 73R blank, match the bottom of the blanks nose to the start of the nose curve drawn on the piece of wood. They will then bend the blank so the bottom of the cut blank follows the rocker curve drawn on the piece of wood. Once it matches perfectly the remainder of the tail (due to different length of the two blanks) and the deck will be drawn out. The deck curve will be different from the 70A because the 73R has a different foil. Hope this helps. Sluggo