Classic 3 Skagg Surf board - REDUCED for SALE!!

That avatar is the most calming picture I have ever seen.  Wow, Life can be good.  Talk about the land of milk and honey!



I'll give you $700.00 for that board!!  Don't sell it to that Bat scum.

I thought a "skag" was a crusty old beach hag.  

Sp: Ska-gge

Usage: " Look at that hairy old Skag drinking our beer"....or maybe, "Who invited that skag to our party"...or maybe, "Geezz,..I feel sick, I just looked at that scags $#__*& as she sat down.

Who's Bill Barnsfield? And what is a Ragging Isaland?  Sounds like a salad.


*one of them says "astrodeck" - I wonder of the orginal person for whom this board
was shaped for was using the board as a lubricant



It's generic name was Astro Dick back in 1981

Sea Skag


From:(Block user)
Date:Tue, 06/23/2009 - 6:23pm
hey, sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but i doubt you will get even $150 for the board. people here on this forum will think you are someone from another country or a little kid with all the spelling errors in your post like "Skagg" or "Rusty Priezender" or "Mahalow" im not trying to be mean im just saying that if you want to sell the board on sways you should put the mark the price down to $150. all the brown spots are water damage and that means there are many holes in the glass. you are correct on the age of the board but it is not from a reputable shaper. sorry mate
Fail. Sorry, mate.

Just wondering if the avitar was a self portrait.

Otay , Roy …???

Someone with a sense of humour at least



I'm passing the baton to dpiction, he's funny.

not only do you lack any entertainment value but you’re going to publicly disparage a guy that was sincerely trying to be helpful?

troll fail.

From:(Block user)
Subject:price on board
Date:Sat, 06/27/2009 - 3:43am
If the board is in "close to perfect" condition, why will it cost $200.00 to repair? Your board was made in the mid to late 1980s board that has been used a lot. The browning you are referring to is the result of an open ding that allowed water to soak into the board’s foam. Once the sun hits the wet foam, it tans the board. The tanning is impossible to remove. I also read your add on Craigslist and thought you should know the truth: I believe you have been mislead into believing the board is a collectable. In my opinion, the board is worth between $40.00 and $60.00. I can’t imagine someone buying your board for $650.00 and then spending an additional $200.00 on repairs. That’s a lot of money for a board that is worth less than $60.00. For some good advice, take it to a surfshop and get an opinion on the board’s true price (get three quotes). Chances are they will not try to low-ball you for the board. Remember, you don’t have to sell them the board. Or better yet, post another ad on Craigslist for $100.00. See how many responses you get (I bet none). The $100.00 will allow you to see how many people are interested in your board. Just remember, the $100.00 is just a price you will use to see if you get any responses (you will not be obligated to meet with the person to sell).


not only do you lack any entertainment value but you're going to publicly disparage a guy that was sincerely trying to be helpful?

troll fail.


Let me know if you want the board

Get it now for x-mas kidz

edit- sorry I posted on yer thread yesterday. I had some alcohol-induced ideas about your true intentions that pissed me off.I don’t want to buy your board, so whatever you are trying to do here is none of my business. Carry on, boobz. D

Yes, I agree this place should be more like Surfermag complete with over the top idiotic posts and nudity.
I even noticed a thread crossposted over there inviting them all over.
Open the floodgates, ditch the moderators…wherever they are currently at?


Classic 3 Skagg Surfboard - New! Check it out!

You are looking at a super cool classic surfboard that is new! Words cannot describe just how
awesome this board is. Everywhere I go, people make comments about how awesome it looks, just
carrying from the parking lot to the sand!

Bing !!!! I'm going to put 3 Skaggs on my new board !!!! I'll be the coolest kook around and everybody is going to make comments about how awasome my board is !! Hey they are even gona ask " Many is that real wood ? "

Hooray or boobs, indeed!!!!!   Mike

its back up if anybody wants to make a purchase