Classic 3 Skagg Surf board - REDUCED for SALE!!


Classic 3 Skagg Surfboard - New! Check it out!

You are looking at a super cool classic surfboard that is new! Words cannot describe just how
awesome this board is. Everywhere I go, people make comments about how awesome it looks, just
carrying from the parking lot to the sand! However, due to economic times and some bills I need
to pay, I am going to let my most prized possesion go. The board is in almost perfect condition,
with maybe a few nicks and bruises here and there but otherwise almost perfect. I am not sure if the
darker brown spots are something that was wrong with it during the manufacturing process, but
it looks bright and white - almost like the new ones I see at the surfboard stores! I took it to the best
surfboard repair specialist in San Diego (Joe Loper) and he said he could patch it up for about $50 bucks -
and for $200, he would make it totally perfect - it would be well worth it to keep this thing going!

Here’s the specifications:

Length (top to bottom):
Approximately 78 inches from the tip to the tail

it varies but it seems to be at least 16.35 inches across at the thicker/wider parts

I took out my grandfather’s calipers and it appears to be anywhere from 1 inch to 3 inches

3 solid skaggs - not too sharp!

It also has many different stickers on it but they do not come off - looks like they intentionally
put them underneath the liquid resin during the manufacturing process.
*one of them says “astrodeck” - I wonder of the orginal person for whom this board
was shaped for was using the board as a lubricant (get it, “astro[glide]deck”!) heh - heh…

I tried to look it up online, and even took it to one of the local surfboard manufacturers here in
San Diego (Rusty Priezender) but he told his secretary he didn’t have time to come out to the front and look at it (whatever!)
I cannot seem to find the exact manufacturer date of this board, but, based on my knowledge and experience,
I would assume it was manufactured sometime in 1976-1977.

Again, I am hesitant to let this go, but I really do need the money for bills and therefore I really
am also firm on the price.


$625 ONLY!!!
Cash Only *No scammers!

Please feel free to email with any questions you may have - I will do my best to answer them quickly!

Keep surfing!!! Mahalow!

Sure doesn’t look new!!!

Looks pretty beat up, to me. “Awesome” is not the first word that comes to mind.


Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong

Wrong again

I wouldn’t give you 50 bucks. It’s a junker

If someone paid more than $75 for it, **They **would be getting “scammed”

Give me a freakin break!

Nigga puuuhhhhleeeeeese!!!

Cosmo nailed it. Game over.

WTF is a SKAGG??? Probably a technical term. Wonder is the term was picked up from Barnsfield himself … in the 70’s of course. Pretty funny Boobz…

“skag” (with one G) was a 60s label out of Redondo Beach.

The same word is an old slang term for heroin.

Skaggs … I remember now … country singer. Ricky!!! now this all makes perfect sense.

you guys–if you’re not cracking up right now, you’re the dull skagg.

LMAO at our new troll

I thought I detected a faint whiff of troll bait. Wasn’t sure.

This here is a surfboard skagg

Does that “Skagg” play sweet country music if I slip it into my CD player?

Naw, This is a Skagg…


No No NOT a skank, a skagg

Nothing more to contribute–I just like the new guy’s avatar…

I might go back and read his first post again though–it’s hilarious. I thought Boobs was my friend Justin at first–he has a POS Raging Isle, but not that one.


“the surfboard stores!” LOL

“Mahalow!” LMAO

" based on my knowledge and experience, I would assume it was manufactured sometime in 1976-1977"

**My guess is JJR – what do I win? **

Boz Skaggs… Duh?

Sammy, you missed the point entirely. 


I love this post.  I’ll give you a MILLON DOLLARS for the board.  (easy terms)

From:(Block user)
Date:Mon, 06/22/2009 - 4:48pm
I'll take it! Where should I send my $625 cash?