clean up epoxy with denatured ok?

I know with acetone (on skin i mean) is a no no…what about denatured alcohol…or is it kind of an all-solvents kind of no no?

Solvents are a no no in our camp anyway, try vinegar and coconut oil (for taking it off the skin)


to clean up hands, use a pumice soap…like Go-Jo or Fast Orange

Handful of laundry detergent with a little water,.

Wipe with a rag until minimal film is left. Then use cleaners.

I second the choice of citrus cleaners- Simple Orange, Go-Jo etc.


Handful of laundry detergent with a little water,.

Don’t do it Hicksy, the stuff is lethal to your essential fatty acids, I even hold my breath walking past it in the supermarket !

We want you in top form after all !


Assuming you were wearing gloves and only have a few spots anyway, if it doesn’t come off with soap and water, let it dry and pick it off, dont dip your whole hand in the resin pot.

Swaphiga works well (used but motor mechanics to remove oil and grease).

well i never get it on my dick!

but vinegar worked well to get if off my hand