what have u guys been doing to re use hotcoat brushes?
I throw them out. One of the benefits of UV Cure resin is you can do a lot of work with a single brush. I buy them by the box when they are on sale at Harbor Freight.
Acetone. Since 1994
Acetone. Since 1994
with epoxy** iv tried acetone and paint thinner neither worked good with out working the brush for awhile
I am with Mako. I buy the chip brushes at Harbor Freight by the box. They are pennies per brush… Use 'em then toss 'em.
I don’t know if it would work on a brush but, I know something that works on scissors, squeegees, skin, etc… IF you are working with epoxy… Soak them in white vinegar after using. Any unkicked epoxy will turn all white and milkey after a while and you can just wipe it off and wash any residue off with normal soap.
But, again, cheap chip brushes from Harbor Freight, one time use.
If you’re a cheapskate (like me) and also hate using a ton of brushes as you through the steps on multiple repairs, you clean brushes even if they’re the ‘chip’ type.
Here’s what I do.
Quick dip in acetone, shake it out. Another acetone dip in a different batch, shake again. Then, douse the brush with Lestoil and wash in really hot water. Rinse well and let dry. I can get five or six uses out of a 99 cent brush this way. Lestoil is also good for cleaning uncured resin off your hands. Just use a good fingernail brush and scrub away. Using acetone to get a brush totally clean requires quite a bit, and acetone is nasty stuff that isn’t cheap.
Poly - soap and water
Never run water thru a bristle brush. Dirty aceton once. Clean Acetone once. Lacquer thinner once. Mineral Spirits once. Shake or spin. Put away in a keeper or paper. Mako is right about UV. You can let a brush sit in a bucket of UV with a towel over it and use it when you are ready. You can also let a brush hang in a bucket of Aceton until you are ready to use it.
I have never had a problem with a brush I rinsed with water. There’s this magical trick I learned as part of the process. You let the damn thing dry thoroughly before you use it. I love sharing secrets.
denatured alcohol can clean a brush for epoxy
acetone for polyester
dont use the same brush for both types
99 cent store 3" and thick
Very minimal brush hair floaters
Hardy worth cleaning.
Perfect for a disposable and dollar oriented society
Use denatured alcohol to clean epoxy brushes.
If you are used to using chip brushes you’ll be surprised how much faster youcan hotcoat with a nice 3" or 4" Purdy white China bristle.
Save the dirty alcohol and just use clean alcohol for the final rinse.
I still frequently use chip brushes because cleaning a nice brush is a bit of a pain. It gets frantic if you realize you have been going too slow and the epoxy is starting to kick.