i did my first glass job in my parents garage. i put two blue tarps down but the spill over seeped through and there is residue/stain on the floor. i have thought of using acetone and scrubbing it but its highly flamable and i dont want leftover being there if they start up the car over where i scrub with it and igniting or something crazy like that. any idea on how to get it off? if not, and it’s there for good…is it flamable and will cause problems if they start a car over it??
scrape up whatever hardened resin you can…the rest will be a lasting memory of your first glass job
Scrubbing it with Acetone wont do much. Most the resin has seeped into the concrete already and there isn’t too much you can do. The acetone evaporates pretty quickly, so even if you did your dad’s car wont blow up if a flame were to hit the acetone. Just take a paint srcaper and go at the pools of resin.
so the resin residue won’t be too flamable either? i’m not worried about the stains as much as an accident
Once the resin is cured the flamable styrene is gone so all that is left to do is take a large chisle and scrap the resin off the concrete. Tap it with a hammer on the stubborn spots. The porous nature of the cement allow the resin to soak in so there will be some left in the cement. Light taping on the big spots with a hammer will help. Be sure to wear eye protection. There’s no harm been done just some minor discoloration.
Mahalo, Rich