Close Tolerance EPS Blanks

…and the nipple and stomach rash was excruciating

my dad shellacked mine , made it even worse . But hey , I learnt to stand up on the thing !


Oh my God!


That board is very close to the same as what I learned to surf on! The Vee, the built-in fin!

Broke mine at Newcastle beach circa 1978…

Dad glued it back together, but it was never the same after that:- got the rocker line wrong. ya know…


Grant , you should see the ones Lavz and I saw at Colin Earle’s today …sensational !

seriously mate , for $250 , I’d buy one to surf between the flags .

one was , I think , a 5’4 fish [yep!]

another was a 6’6 single fin . Can’t remember the size of the other one .

Funny enough , I was just talking to my brother in vicco last night and he mentioned his best mate [a 49yo father of 3] rides his [Josh , you’ll like this !] between the flags at …Queenscliff , where he lives . [Aussie clubbies [‘‘surf lifesavers’’] have the infuriating habit of putting the flags right where the best banks on the beach always are …just to piss off [“make angry”] the boardriders , I’m sure !!]



Grant , you should see the ones Lavz and I saw at Colin Earle’s today …sensational !

seriously mate , for $250 , I’d buy one to surf between the flags .

one was UI think a 5’4 fish [yep!]

another was a 6’6 single fin . Can’t remember the size of the other one .

Funny enough , I was just talking to my brother in vicco last night and he mentioned his best mate [a 49yo father of 3] rides his [Josh , you’ll like this !] between the flags at …Queenscliff , where he lives . [Aussie clubbies ['surf lifesavers] have the infuriating habit of always putting the flags where the best banks on the beach always are …just to piss off [“make angry”] the boardriders , I’m sure !!]


thats cool! i dig riding my foamie stubbie too.

definatly a good quiver addition!

ben maybe you should make a sick foamie fish out of that 5’8" kneelo blank…

" That looks vaguely like the USO. Don’t laugh - with a little fine tuning, some spackle and an epoxy glass job, that board might work. The board itself looks exactly like the pressure molded EPS surfboard blanks I’ve seen. I’d scrap those kook handles though… "

the “U.S.O” …ah yes …

check out this site , and click onto this video …nuts !! [I wonder if others besides Donovan Frankburger have ridden it ? …I’d love to try it !]