Close Tolerance EPS Blanks

This is the find of the century!!!

EPS CT blanks that have everything!!!

Check this out!!!

But Wait!!! I know you want more!!!

You know you want one now!!!

But there’s more…!!!

wow man !!!

where’s the free set of steak knives ???

me and lavz will be around to collect ours soon …

did kate shape ALL of them ? …start em young eh ?

good stuff !


5' x 20" x 5 1/2"
Think of the possibilities!!!!!!

…nearly as thick as those [in]famous windsurfer blanks !


that is such a hoot.

Get your own logo imprinted with the “screwed on look” free with every order!!!

is that a mini paddle board?? It looks similar to the competition boards…

I do recall GL saying at one point that DIY EPS blanks were easy, fun, not so expensive, and well worth the effort. Be cool to see a HOWTO here.

The same is definitely not true of PU blanks.

That looks vaguely like the USO. Don’t laugh - with a little fine tuning, some spackle and an epoxy glass job, that board might work. The board itself looks exactly like the pressure molded EPS surfboard blanks I’ve seen. I’d scrap those kook handles though…

Yes AF,

These are what the junior surf lifesavers (Nippers) use in Australia to train them in paddling and rescues. They sell here for $70 each. I had to buy three of them…

It’s going to be interesting when one of them eventually breaks, because when you fix them you ALWAYS have to modify them slightly hehehehe.

Anyone got any other piccies of foamies?

"Anyone got any other piccies of foamies? "

oh , okay then …

…here ya go , Hicksterman !

stating the obvious I guess , but this board was a DISAPPOINTMENT

It rode like a pig.

so , seriously for a minute …

what would stop you thinning down one of those foamies and refoiling the fin , and flattening the bottom ?

If they made them in 6-7’ sizes , I would think seriously of doing that , so I could ride them on the best bank on the beach , where the clubbies always put the flags up . And , like you say , epoxy in a proper leg rope plug , too…maybe even a coupla fcs plugs …

In the 1960’s there were molded styrofoam mini surfboards that were approximately 4-5 ft. in length, and sold at many retail stores. I guess you could say that these were the predecessors to the boogie board. At La Jolla Shores, there were some kids who did stand-up surfing on them and did it surprisingly well. When or if they broke their board, they’d simply buy a new one since they were only $4 or $5. They had a kind of disposable aspect to them. If my memory serves me correct, they had a molded twin fin configuration with long fin bases that gradually tapered down. Just a bit of surfing trivia I thought I’d throw your way.

taking that line of thought further …

spoon the deck , round the bottom … and bottom rails [hull / 50/50 type trip], a pair of flippers …

bingo… kneeboard !

[again , refoil and thin that fin …maybe even reshape it to be like that one of ZoSurf’s you have hiding somewhere at your place …]

cheers !


girl kneeboarders …now THAT’S something you don’t see many of these days …

and you could enhance them by glueing thin yoga mats on and vacuming them to make it stick… could be an idea eh?


In the 1960’s there were molded styrofoam mini surfboards that were approximately 4-5 ft. in length, and sold at many retail stores. I guess you could say that these were the predecessors to the boogie board. At La Jolla Shores, there were some kids who did stand-up surfing on them and did it surprisingly well. When or if they broke their board, they’d simply buy a new one since they were only $4 or $5. They had a kind of disposable aspect to them. If my memory serves me correct, they had a molded twin fin configuration with long fin bases that gradually tapered down. Just a bit of surfing trivia I thought I’d throw your way.

kelly slater did that… and won contests on them

In the 1960's there were molded styrofoam mini surfboards that were approximately 4-5 ft. in length, and sold at many retail stores. I guess you could say that these were the predecessors to the boogie board. At La Jolla Shores, there were some kids who did stand-up surfing on them and did it surprisingly well. When or if they broke their board, they'd simply buy a new one since they were only $4 or $5. They had a kind of disposable aspect to them. If my memory serves me correct, they had a molded twin fin configuration with long fin bases that gradually tapered down. Just a bit of surfing trivia I thought I'd throw your way.

Surfing trivia…that was my youth. I spent several years on my little blue foam board praying speedboats would come by and give us a little wake…the early ones were finless and we still stood on them, they doubled as skimboards.

I used to have a “Firestone” foamie twin keel job, red and blue paint on the deck. Similar to this one…

The deck was totally flat so we used to flip it over and skim on that. I think I broke and fixed it 3 times before being transformed into a body board.