Cloth inlay on surfboards

Thank you for the reply and I was thinking along the same lines, that I could at least see the tape edge in the right light. Pinline is given considering my cutting skills.


Thank you again

Yeah pinlines for sure and LOVE the 2 or 3 layers of tape idea, that should be enough to feel the edge of the tape when cutting - Thanks very much for the reply and input.

You’re welcome and good luck.  Take a pic and let us see how you do.  Follow instructions and you’ll be fine.  Problems occur when people don’t take good advice.  The method I described is a common way of doing it.  

I’ve done the two - three layers of tape and it definitely helps, but with dark fabric it still can be tough. One time my resin hardened up and I still needed to cut my tape line. I used a fabric pencil to lightly rub out the tape line. This allowed me to make a clean cut but then I had to deal with the possible contamination from the pencil. A light sand helped with that but I’m not sure it was the best way to go. 

If I do a cutlap on the rail wrap, then I have the thickness of the glass, plus the tape. Usually that will be enough for me to see an edge, worse case scenario I can usually block sand when dry and hit that little ridge.  Normally I try to cut it with a razor when the resin gels.  That’s just what works for me.  I agree dark colors can be a little tricky.