coating and the pinline

Hey Guys, what have i done wrong?

A friend of mine gave me the advice to draw a pinline with acrylic-paint before coating the board! Ok i had a tube in my cellar, so i have tried it. Here is the result::) I think i have found a new technique called resin-pinline-swirl:)



can anybody say me what i have done wrong?

by the way, i have little pits on the coat, what can it be? The Pics arent very good but you can see the pits! I have cleaned the deck with water before i have started to coat


Greetz Chris





2nd. Pic 


P.S. Sorry for the double-picture!



Sometimes too much paint will cause bleeding.  Also over working the resin over the pinlines will cause it to bleed....this is usually because you get seperation and fisheyes on the pinline with certain paints, this in turn makes you brush the lines too much, which in turn thins the paint and causes it too bleed


If using poly you might have not kicking your gloss fast enough. If it kicks too slow the resin will eat away at your paint..(tape also) then it thins out and turns your pinlines into water.


Pits in the deck are fisheyes. Fisheyes are caused by contamination...grease, hand lotion. dirt, etc. It can be on the can be in the resin, it can come from your neighbors house, it can ride in on the back of your dog. TRUST NO ONE!  The best way to combat this is gloss a freshly sanded finish.....There is nothing cleaner than a freshly sanded finish. If you feel like wiping it down, wipe it down with a fresh dry new paper soap, no water, no nothing.

Ohh sorry, i use epoxy resin

Resin pinline swirl, looks pretty rad to me. I’d even say that looks like it was intentional! At least that is what I would say. 


If you didn’t overwork it then no doubt something is wrong with the basement you store your acrylic in. I have done pinlines with some of the cheapest acrylic I can find and no bleed. 



"Ohh sorry, i use epoxy resin"

The rules are the same.......epoxy...or...poly...

Tell us more about the pin line.....Was it air brushed...was it resin... was it done in a rush......or with a brush?????

Love him or hate him Resinhead knows his stuff..... Respect your elders.................



OK about the acrylic: Quality Acrylic from paint store

I have taped the line a painted it with an brush. Than i have waited more than 48 Hours before i have brushed the coat


P.S. I think also, that its really not the suitable Acrylic for pinlines:) I will check the store for other brands



Next time if you are going through the trouble of taping off the pinlines, do them in epoxy or poly.  it's faster, cleaner, and tougher than paint.

  Or one better if your doing epoxy go get some automotive black pinline tape. Tape it down, epoxy over the top of it, polish out.  a la Greg l and the timberflex construction.

Or paint them on the foam and glass over in the beginning.

I've had all sorts of strange things happen with epoxy over paint, or poly. One is using Future Acrylic in the paint. Future, paint and resin makes a rubberized gooo that never hardens. Make sure you use as little paint as possible.

Lot's of guys on epoxy boards will spray the pins with automotive paint then cover with a clear laquer and buff out.

The slow cure time of epoxy makes it do weird things to paint.


Next time if you are going through the trouble of taping off the pinlines, do them in epoxy or poly.  it's faster, cleaner, and tougher than paint.

  Or one better if your doing epoxy go get some automotive black pinline tape. Tape it down, epoxy over the top of it, polish out.  a la Greg l and the timberflex construction.

Or paint them on the foam and glass over in the beginning.

I've had all sorts of strange things happen with epoxy over paint, or poly. One is using Future Acrylic in the paint. Future, paint and resin makes a rubberized gooo that never hardens. Make sure you use as little paint as possible.

Lot's of guys on epoxy boards will spray the pins with automotive paint then cover with a clear laquer and buff out.

The slow cure time of epoxy makes it do weird things to paint.



THX for all advices! I have painted the first pinline directly on the foam, it worked 100% But i want to glass the next board with an cutlap, and this should be covered with the pinline! What do you mean with do it in epoxy? Mix Epoxy with pigments or something and brush the line with this mixed epoxy?

Greetz Chris