This is in response to the copying thread a few days earlier…most of us who surf have the unique ability to create our own shapes and collectively use our past experiences to create shapes that suit our own styles…I shape for myself just because i can…I love nothing better than a finely crafted stick whether it’s my own or somebody else’s…do you all remember your first board? the anticipation…the expectations and the reality…it’s intoxicating…all this talk about designs are just variations from the past tweaked to fit the individual…for somebody to think they have an exclusive patent on a design…there will be 100’s of backyarders who have been there done that…when you look at pro surfing and you see an icon riding a retro all of a sudden every surfshop is stuffed with the latest and greatest…truth be told slater or curren could ride an ironing board and still rip…surfing is about style and stoke not trying to keep up with main(wall) street…the bottom line is about fun and sharing the stoke with someone else…peace out
This is in response to the copying thread a few days earlier…most of us > who surf have the unique ability to create our own shapes and collectively > use our past experiences to create shapes that suit our own styles…I > shape for myself just because i can…I love nothing better than a finely > crafted stick whether it’s my own or somebody else’s…do you all remember > your first board? the anticipation…the expectations and the > reality…it’s intoxicating…all this talk about designs are just > variations from the past tweaked to fit the individual…for somebody to > think they have an exclusive patent on a design…there will be 100’s of > backyarders who have been there done that…when you look at pro surfing > and you see an icon riding a retro all of a sudden every surfshop is > stuffed with the latest and greatest…truth be told slater or curren could > ride an ironing board and still rip…surfing is about style and stoke not > trying to keep up with main(wall) street…the bottom line is about fun > and sharing the stoke with someone else…peace out Well said…Sometimes total involvement gets misconscrewed as overconfidence or arrogance when in reality shaping and riding my own surfboards is just an extention of my love of surfing, without the restraints of sponsors,teams,surfclubs,localisms,kissing surfshop/shaper/judges asses. FREEDOM… Now if people would lose the stupid logs in overhead beachbreak and experience a nice 7’10" more suited to hollow waves instead of pearling up to their necks and jeopardising everyone paddling out. But that’s another issue…just some thoughts.