Coming Soon

Dings are what I often call;  “the ball pin hammer variety.”  Easy to fix, but a little difficult to make go away cosmetically.

Mostly due to storage and moving around over the years.  

Nose is cracked out a bit.

You still here Ding-Bat.

Fuk, you are up down left right, What the hell. So, I did re-read this thread. What the Hell are you on about? You long winded posts - like your talking at people, and, about What? What! Coming Soon Mc Ding-Don’s Repairs for the general public…? You got me stuffed! 

fuk’n strange one you are.

But. Your a funny bastard, so… Keep it coming, soon.

So a general question for some of you and your advice/suggestions;  For any of you who have done repairs on tanned or browned boards;  what cosmetic methods have you used before to get a good match to the browned foam?  I have matched paint before in Off-Whites and fogged over my repair with a cup gun and got fair results.  I have a bunch of pigments and was thinking of using Cabosil with possibly a Burnt Umber and Raw Sienna mix.  Q-cell works good but tends to water down the color because of it’s whiteness. So I was wondering what some of you have done in the past to match/conceal repairs in Sunburnt Boards?

Mix in some whole wheat flour or do the instant coffee thing.

Not as funny as it sounds.  I may do just that.  I saw a guy stain Balsa with coffe once to make it look old.

Ok.  Staying on topic or as close as I can.  I have another Hansen that I will post a pic or two of later.  I will post a pic over on the “Transition Era” thread as well.  Haven’t looked at it in awhile, but I am sure it is the same style of blank, but in a longboard.  When I was a collector I seemed to run into too many Hansen’s.  Wound up with three of them at one time.  The best was a “Doyle Model” prototype.  Ten footer with the 747 fin and a Hi-density foam tailblock.  That board was a solid 9>.  Rode it a few times in fair beach break at Pismo Pier.  Great rider and turned easy for a ten footer.  It was definitely a “Pig” template, little fuller nose tho.  Ok.  So I need to find some whole wheat flour and see what I can come up with.  Yeah those Chinese tariffs are gonna have an impact on those cheap Asian imports.  Chinese and Thai Surfboard factories owned by Aussies and aimed at U.S. Markets.

Sways would be a whole lot duller without the Mc Dings and his co conspirators in this world you just gotta laugh at them  , no one is threatening anyone bodily hard or insulting their mother its just banter , dont go Dingo , that has a nice ring to it  dont go Dingo .

Surprised Bill hasn’t said anything about the board, I think he shaped it.


Lots of banter back and forth, but I’m waiting  to see some resin hit the board. 

I honestly am interested in how a coffee stain/wheat flour resin job would look so if you’re gonna try it please post pics.

Dings are repaired.  Came out a little darker than I liked.  Pin stripe needs to be touched up and a re-gloss.   Board is SOLD!  Ie GONE.

The board is still at the shop.  I’ll get some pics of the finished board.  I woulda thought it would have brought more money than $350.  I tried to explain the significance of the “T” and the important contributions Bill has made to Surfboard design but, none of these NW Millennials seemed to care who shaped it.