Coming Soon

soon to be available to the general public!  A couple of things I need to do ding repair wise and then it will be available. I’ll document what I do to it via this thread.

Just a few things that need to be taken care of before it goes.

I’m curious but don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Is that a Thrailkill shape?


Pretty safe bet it is. A T after the serial number on a Hansen? Hmmmmmm…

Of course.  Have had this board for years and it is one of the best riding 60’s I have ever been on.  Haven’t had it out in a couple of years and it is collecting dust and the occasional shop ding.  One of my many current projects and I will take pics and document the the repairs.  Trying to improve the fin.  Like most old Hansen’s it has been “whittled” on.

I am of the opinion that the center strip of the stringer is actual HD colored foam as it was in pretty wide spread use by the time this board was shaped.  Not likely that it is just painted Poly.  Also the blue tailblock at the pintail as far as I can determine is Fiberglass layup.  Probably an off cut from finmaking and original.  No telling what the significance of the numbers are.  Only the shaper would know.  There have been pics of this board posted on Sways previously by Huck and myself.  I took the board down once to a seminar at Surfing Heritage in SC that Bill T conducted and he ID ‘ed the board as one of his.  Considering his animosity toward me, not likely he will chime in.  I have another one that was shaped by Buzzie Smoltz(sp).  It is one of the Hansen’s with the Stringer dead ending at the forward third.  Much worse condition than this one.  I have three small dings to repair to put this one back to a weathered 7 or 8.  Year??  Probably ‘65 ot there about.  Lowel

Sent that last one from my IPad.  Forgot that I don’t have pics stashed over there.  Here’s the deck.

Love to slide on that board at Malibu or some southern point!! 


A lined up point break is def. where it shines

Do you put all those boards in there for the photo op… come on…hey :wink:


Sweet board!  Look forward to seeing the finished result!

No they are all just plain old behind schedule.  Not to mention that I have never got around to installing wall racks above my lights.  But otherwise;  Yeah, strictly for the photo op. Last time I was in O’side I went around to every shaper at the Airport and went thru their trash. Brought home a nice contractor garbage bag of foam dust and a bunch of really cool off cuts. Scattered them around in my shaping bay for the authentic cool background. How do you like it? I bet it looks a lot like Bill T’s bay. Oh! I misspoke. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a pic of his shaping bay??/p>

Enough petty innuendo; Back to the board. As i’ve Said I have ridden this board quite a bit. I will have to put a tape on it, but if I remember correctly it is about 22 or 22 1/2” wide. It is thin for the day and the rail is pinched, but pretty refined… while a good rider, I have always felt that the shape could have been improved upon with a fuller outline. Twenty three inches and a little fuller tail. The overall outline seems a little too parallel which inhibits turning of the tail. Just thoughts. The dimensions aren’t written on it,so I will get a tape on it later tonite or in the AM. I will try to get a pic of the board up on rail in the rack. Attempting to give you a better idea of the rocker rail etc.

your floar dust speaks, BS… We all have done it, maybe just not to your extent :slight_smile: com on A’Ling hey ha, yeah thats right mmm yep!


Yeah if there were a Surf Industry up here in the NW;  I’d get a job scrubbing or sanding CI’s like you.  Instead I have to paint the occasional house to stay ahead of poverty.

Upon the rail.

Based on the serial # I believe 1968 is the year.  Is it a particular model?  The other Hansen you described with the 3/4 stringer is a superlight.

Assessed damage last nite and it looks as tho I have two fairly deep dings at the nose area deck side.  The stringer at the nose is a little busted up, but all are whatI would consider minor repairs.  Will try to get some close ups of the damage later.  Going to try to be as cosmetic as possible on the repairs.  The Fiberglass tailblock had some visible weave that I was able to hand sand and do away witho.  The material the fin is made of is heavily oxidized.  I was able to hand sand it.  Came out nice and smooth.  I am thinking I may take the fin out and spray it with something to seal it.  Hard to tell what kind of material it is.  Maybe Lexan.

I am interested in seeing how the repair job goes. How come no pictures of the dings?

Sorry I posted up on the 2nd page instead of going to the end.  I’ll get some close ups tonite.