Composites Handbook - loads of info

This might be of interest to people out there. Admitedly some of it very engineering / technical early on but later good stuff on resins and fabrics. Great thing is that you should be able to download it as a pdf… Lots on foam and cores towards the end.

Just copy and paste the link into your browser, I can’t seem to make it work as a direct link. -

EDIT: Follow the links posted by Samiam below

Here ya go:



Hey, thx. Just in time to take on my trip where I can actually read it.

Thanks for sorting that for me…

I am omnipresent in my incompetance


for those that were lucky to get one of my builder’s resource archive CD (I made a 100 for Keith and Bill to pass out)

This document among many many others that I’ve downloaded from the web are on the CD as well as the Flash program.


Just use your computer or another program to look what’s on the CD versus letting the flash program autorun from the CD when you insert it. It’s like an easter egg… It you do I think you find alot of neat articles and materials documents…

for those that didn’t make it to Keith’s or Bill’s class later this week.

you can PM me a request and I’ll consider whether I can afford the postage to sendd one your way.

for the folks that helped we work on it don’t worry a revised copy will be on it’s way to you soon.

those who have any great things you would like me to add please PM me as well and send me what you have developed and I will do what I can to keep improving on the Resource Guide.

Sways Inspired…

as always


Thank you for that contribution to the workshop. Everyone attending will get a copy. It IS a great resource!!