Compsand Repair Help

A little help if you could…

Over the weekend I was surfing and a buddy of mine hit the nose of his board onto my rail (it’s a balsa compsand from Shwuz). Suggestions on the best way to repair/the best place/person to repair it. It’s on the rail and the puncture is only wood deep (because it’s on the rail) and it doesn’t reach the foam. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.

Hi Brett,

Post some pics so some of the compsand gurus here can take a stab at it. I’m no guru so, I’ll be watching from the sidelines. But I’ll give you this… eventhough I haven’t seen it, I’m pretty sure you’re going to need some epoxy (rr preffered). HTH.



Hello, Guru here… yeah right! :slight_smile:

Photos would be good, but it doesn’t sound like it will be too major.

IMPORTANT - don’t surf it again until you have fixed it, just in case there is any water absorbtion into the wood or foam.

This is a pretty sensible rule to follow for any board, of course!

But this one is most likely worth the effort in repairing properly.
