Concave and paddling

Does concave/double concave make for a slower paddling board? The reason I ask is that I notice that when I use concaves, they seem to go fast in good waves, but they bog a bit in chop and mush. My theory is that concaves allow compression when going fast, but obstruction when going slow. Paddling is slow, so I’m wondering if flatter is better for paddling. Anyone have/find any research or feedback on this? Thanks.

Could it be concaved boards have less total volume?

Belly convex would have more volume.

Don’t think concave boards are faster, but they tend to be more responsive!

my understanding is that concaves are only faster if you are pumping the board, but in straight line glide (like triming or paddling) they are redirecting the natural flow of the water thus creating drag and slowing the board down.

chop is already irregular flow and thus the concaves are trying to further redirect the water, also I think the board as a whole is slower in chop as the flow over the rails is irregular and board as a whole is changing its instantanious trim angle as it hits chop thus changing the boards angle of attack.

Concave tend to straighten the rocker line…making a somewhat flatter bottom…dunno…I can not tell a difference between my concaved boards paddling speed…and the flat bottom ones…have fun…