Concave deck, any experiences

I am currently working on a board for a buddy of mine, its a 5’11" fish 17" wide in the nose, 16 in the tail, I am thinking shallow swallow tail, no more than 5-6 inches cutout in the butt, so as to allow for a trailer fin (MR TFX from fcs). My plan is now to go shallow and wide single concave bottom into V with pretty downrails in the back of the board. Rider is just learning to ride smaller boards and most of our conditions are pretty weak with an occasional trip to france for more grunt.

Anyway, the (EPS) blank is a cut blank from our dear friends at Atua and it is close to 3 inches thick, 2.85 to be precise, my pal is not a heavy guy, pretty fit so I was thinking about reducing the volume of the board by concaving the deck rather than skinning it down to say 2.4 inches, this thickness is only in the mid section (middle third of the board) of the board, the nose and tail areas are fine and I have put in a marine ply stringer for looks and a little bit of weight. Being inspired by some of the spoons I though it would look neat to concave the deck but I am guessing it might also make the board easy to turn as your feet have a small leverage advantage over a heavily crowned deck… or I am totally mistaken in which case I look forward to being corrected by my fellow swaylockians!

I’ve seen it on hollow wood boards, the leverage is nice, it also feels nicer when paddling.

A point of consideration on a regular old board is that you would thin the stringer and thus reduce protection against snappage considerably. On a perimeter stringer board this is much less a concern.
