Can someone give me the basic results as far as bottom concave goes- single, single to double, and triple concave. What works better for point breaks. Im a bigger guy to 190 lbs. Which one would be the best for all around conditions. Also where is the bottom concave always started or does that vary depending on the concave put in the board. thanks for the help
Just rider and shaper preferences, it’s all been tried, and mostly works or not depending WHO the rider is…
You gotta start somewhere, so decide for yourself.
For guys riding really floaty boards, sometimes concave is a detriment, while belly to flat to V is the most controllable.
For really small sinky boards, some amount of bottom concave is good for early wave catching and maintaining planing on a waveface.
Just don’t vary too far from the standard, unless you want to experiment.
Can someone give me the basic results as far as bottom concave goes- single, single to double, and triple concave. What works better for point breaks. Im a bigger guy to 190 lbs. Which one would be the best for all around conditions. Also where is the bottom concave always started or does that vary depending on the concave put in the board. thanks for the help
Just rider and shaper preferences, it’s all been tried, and mostly works or not depending WHO the rider is…
You gotta start somewhere, so decide for yourself.
For guys riding really floaty boards, sometimes concave is a detriment, while belly to flat to V is the most controllable.
For really small sinky boards, some amount of bottom concave is good for early wave catching and maintaining planing on a waveface.
Just don’t vary too far from the standard, unless you want to experiment.
What seems to be fairly common in most thrusters that I’ve seen recently is the concave starting about a foot back from the nose (where the rocker starts flattening) and running right through the bottom to the fins, with the double through the fins. As LeeDD says, there are heaps of variables. Run a ruler over boards you like the look of or how they appear to surf (if they belong to your mates) and look at the concave in them. One thing, a lot of the concaves are pretty deep.
to vary the standard
to pick up from my friend leeDD
is to physically quest the extra ordinary
or sink to the sub standard.
as in who the rider is is the determinate factor in achieving
Unbridled success and ecstatic bliss beyond the norm.
The side walks are filled with pedestrians
the antithisis of the sidewalk
perhaps rubbing the inside rail
up against the infield
to win the Irish sweepstakes
is best left to a select intelect.
But if’n yall wanna break the membrane…
…Hydro put’em alla way thru
noze ta tail
The david model isolated it up forward of1/3-1/2
the new ones put it amid ships
and the ol’jacobs put em in the tail
the thought that comes to mind is that
keeping the concave under foot
is the call
the jacobs rode off the tail
the david rode off the back foot on the nose
the new ones are dominated by the wide Prawn stance
this amid ships position
to pay omage to the I Am THE TUBE
free ride movie
school of wave apprehension
and riding.
the concave lift is
placed properly to enhance personal trim
positioning from standing posture.
lift to a fault is
losing surface contact and
tending to aerial
alternatives> an alternative goal
I.E.> flying is no longer a water venue
although sustained airbourne technique
is in transition and currently experimental
launching and landing is the norm.
air trippers need to soar.
back to the case
concave placement parameters
will be determined by the demands of rider.
rider weight ,
board size preference,
turn radius prefrence,
and of course technical ability
will pretty much prescribe the
concave is good
commitment up to 1/2’'depth
is serious and critical