
Allrighty then,

I’m starting on designing a new quiver of boards but first i must know more about concave!

To my understanding,

Single: Flat bottom concave,

Double: two slight slopes that lead to each other,

Vee: leans in from rails to make a peak in the centre,

Now forgive my kook question, but i have to learn,

So would a board with a vee bee easy to hop from rail to rail?

And would a single concave work better in small waves,

Thanks for any help (i need it)


see GregLoehr’s post under the Bernoulli’s Principle thread:;search_string=hack%20bernoulli%20principle;#176107

in short…

V will help rail to rail, and help cut through chop

Concave will produce drive on a short board, and may create nose lift on a long board