the weather in south florida has become WAAAYYYYY too hot and humid to glass outside, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to change for quite awhile…sooo…i’m considering contracting out some glasswork to a local glasser. what is the going rate to have someone else do your glassing? nothing fancy – just a resin tint top and bottom, and a pinline. and no one of the channin or moonlight status…just a local guy. any ideas???
$180 to 300…
“just a simple”… is ALWAYS the most complicated, hard to get even, mess!
If you don’t glass, you have no idea what the complications are for a “simple” two color tint…
i don’t usually do 2-color…i like same color top and bottom…or just bottom and leave the deck clear. i’ve glassed my own boards all through the year, but always outdoors. now it’s just too hot and humid, and i don’t have access to an indoor glassing room (…or a garage…or anything).
Howzit soulstice,Just how humid is it there these days, I usually stop glassing when it hits 90% but it doesn't get that high unless it's raining. I've heard that Fla can be miserable at times due to the heat and humidity. Are you using UV resin, I think UV would work better since it kicks so fast where as catalized layups take longer to go from wet to totaly cured. Aloha,Kokua
it’s been raining every night and through the morning…and then there’s standing water everywhere that evaporates throughout the day. it’s SOOOOO humid. even when the rain stops, if i walk out to the mailbox i come back soaked because it’s so humid. and i use epoxy, so the long cure time really doesn’t help matters.
kokua…not miserable at times…seems like all the time in the summer…but thats me i cant take the heat…go figure
ss, for what its worth, morning time is the highest humidity…high 90’s…but usually it drops to 70% or less in the afternoon after the sun evaporates it…but only if rains have been minimal and that day isnt rainy…not likely
i would consider $200 expensive for a pe shortie…longie would be more