these ALL your own words?
great writing [first part=best]
these ALL your own words?
great writing [first part=best]
Ambrose speaks words of wisdom. Don't change anything. A little duck tape for the holes. Some EVA for pad. You want to get in the water and have a good work-out. If it's to tipy just put thicker pad and use a shorter paddle and knee paddle that sucker! You don't have to be one of the herd. Ambrose knows someone who knee paddles a big hog that is 43lb to 50lb depending on how much water leaks in. Not only that he paddles on his knees and carries rocks on the deck for more weight and can paddle like hell!! Why be a Joe KOOL with a $1,500 board and $350 paddle. Try your old beater first . Who cares whos laughing at you! You work out long enough on a heavey old narrow long board and you will have the strength and balance to paddle Joe KOOL to his grave!! Ahui Hou- Wood_Ogre
yes my own words
the smart pills joke
is perhaps as old as I am
dates back to the days
of tweny mule team borax
old jokes are the best.
wood ogre aint jokin'
these wizened old crones
dont get wizened by doin'
off the rack gummy bears
life in the trenches aint done
in new dockers... pull up your
most comfortable old beat workin
clothes and dirty your mind
on the mother of invention
enthusiastism deprived of
quiptment flash made up for
in training intensity...