
My first experience with the craft came from the tube straight from JCs’ mouth. I watched the 101 series and hit the rewind button many times to make sure I understood how to accomplish certain steps. Funny thing is that every outline that I have created is made using the ‘nail and batten’ method that JC used in his vid. The early feedback from some pros was very helpful in identifying the shortcomings of each outline. Kahlua was VERY frank. When he saw my first attempt he said “Dude, you need a better template!” I was given a template by a master shaper that I have used sections of to help generate my own templates-- but I have never used it as the template for a board. Since I do not own a bandsaw I have never made a template out of anything but brown kraft paper. Every board I’ve ever built has components gleaned from boards I’ve owned, my friends owned, inspected at shops, and or read about – and I read a LOT. That being said, I have always felt that every thing that came out of my garage was some form of copy. Quite frankly when it comes to making surfboards I’m a HACK when compared to the professional. My initial position was that unless you come up with an original concept (like going from hard boards to inflatable watercraft) you are expanding on an original thought. A form of copying. After reading the many posts on this subject, I wonder if my mindset is off? Does the fact that I have never traced and cut to the form traced mean that I have not copied in the minds of the professionals within this trade? I mean no disrespect to anyone, the question I have is merely asked to better understand the frame of reference that this industry subscribes to. My question is simple: “How do you define copying?” Magoo P.S. I still will probably identify myself as a copier because I am using other boards as a frame of reference M.

Mags I think your answer is in Gene’s post,at the top of the page.Herb

Mags I think your answer is in Gene’s post,at the top of the page.Herb Dear SK I would’nt trust you as far as i could throw your template, i know your loud/beligerant style, you won’t have my real name because you have a chip on your shoulder, too bad, it’s gonna cost ya, I never forget… CDB…You rip, love you man, saw you outsurfing everyone in southern cali in the early seventies. Welcome to the Swaylock’s board, I only complain when truth needs to be spoke, ain’t that a bit@h SK? You burned too many good people loser…now it’s your turn to lose. No offense to anyone else, apology accepted Noodle… My last post(someone else is posting under the HUH tag to be naughty,oh well, so long.)