Ok so I just bought a piece of 4’ by 4’ 5/8" corcell for my skimboard project. What is the best way to paint this foam. What type of paint should I use to paint directly on the corcell?
Much Appreciated!!
Ok so I just bought a piece of 4’ by 4’ 5/8" corcell for my skimboard project. What is the best way to paint this foam. What type of paint should I use to paint directly on the corcell?
Much Appreciated!!
artist quality acrylics work pretty well.
peel strength between the glass and the acrylic ain’t great though, so I’d restrict widespread usage to the deck with small areas on the bottom.
So you are suggesting that I do not use this to paint the whole board? If so what would I use to paint the entire board one colour? I was told I could use latex will that have a good bond to the epoxy or no?
I wouldn’t recommend latex at all.
Basically, bond between any resin and the foam underneath is mechanical. So, if you’ve got a weak layer, it’ll fail. Specifically, the cell size of the foam in corecell is great for a good mechanical bond between epoxy or polyester. ANY paint will weaken this bond a little bit. Acrylic was the best of the paints I tested; thin it about 1:1 with water before use so that the paint layer lies down very tin. Give it a good long while to dry before laminating. Thinned temperas worked pretty well too.
If you want a single colour, but bomber laminate strength, go with an opaque pigment in the resin for the laminations. If you want to paint, then bear in mind that it will create a slightly weaker bond between the core and the lam; there really isn’t any way around it. Only way to determine whether or not it’s going to hold up to your personal liking and abuse of equipment is to try it out though…that’s why this board building thing is fun; build it, use it, destroy it, build a newer, better, more ideal model and repeat the cycle…
Unpainted Corecell is very nice…creamy.
Ive tried 100% acrylic exterior latex, laminated with epoxy/glass and worked good.
Cheap too.
Good luck.