Cornwall Lamaroos

You folks that ride the ply should enjoy this…

I would have to agree…Tony does look gay.

A tall blonde man. A strange species of pale bookie. A girlie white bookie boy in tight red shorts.

Therefore, upon that day I shall lift my voice and proclaim, “I do not wish to ride the ply! Never shall I seek to be prone to the bone!”

Lamaroos for queer lewdness upon the sandy beaches?

It is a nightmare to behold.


I would have to agree…Tony does look gay.

yep, that there is some S-C-A-R-Y s**t , for sure. Men in tight red ‘bathers’ standing next to ?their mums? while holding their…errr… ‘woodies’… ??

"prone to the BONE " ???

…sorry, is this “gaylocks” website ?


(that IS a pretty funny post, though, poohbah ! )


Bonta’s insecurities aside, Larry, did anyone get past the white water and traverse some of the nice walls outside?

Ive read most of Bontas posts. For sure its doubtful he has any “insecurities” to express. He simply stated the obvious. Deserved humor? Yes. “Political correctness” be damned.

I suppose I should have included a warning about the girlie man in the speedos. Try to ignore him. Instead look at the living history…these old ladies riding some of the same plywood bellyboards they rode in their younger days. They pass on their tradition (and the board) to their grandchildren. You can’t do that with a styrofoam board. It has been said that success is getting what you want, and happiness is wanting what you get. Today a kid may want his parents to buy him a styrofoam board with Sponge Bob fabric on it, but he doesn’t want what he gets when the pizzacrap breaks the first hour of the first day he uses it. Give the kid a plywood board, and maybe he’ll still appreciate it forty years from now.

No, I don’t think the old gals or the kids get into deeper water without swim fins. The style is to stand in waist-deep water and then jump into the wave. Don’t let that stop you from going outside.

gee, I thought those were photos from Swayaholics Anonymous 2004. Prone to the bone, indeed.

Poobah, there has been a fella(Dane Perlee) riding a 4’ ply paipo (like Grandpa Fred) at Pleasure Point lately. It would make you happy.

Was Dane “stand-up”…???..

If you see him, say “hi” for me…


i live but a few miles from where that comp took place…i cant say anymore cos im the oppo.

its all fun though,at whatever level

(id love to see one of those things barreled at Aggie)

Weel said Poobah…


" gee, I thought those were photos from Swayaholics Anonymous 2004. Prone to the bone, indeed…"

'umour…woohoo !!! Glad to see it’s alive and well in this sometimes too serious world ! ben …good one, Steiny!

Oh, Steiny! Now they know what really goes on at those gatherings. The blond sporting his costume and “woodie,” is none other than Mr. Swaylock’s himself. Thats Ambrose with the big cachungas and the yellow cap. LeeV’s on the other side. Mike