covert operation

ok so this weekend i want to glass my first board…but i cant do it at home because of the northeast humidity outside and the 2 kittens and curious pit bull inside. im going to go to my office on friday night and crank the heat to 77 F…leave the blank in there overnight…then early sat lam the bottom and when close to done turn it down to 72 F. cant forget the big blue tarp. sound like a plan using RR epoxy?

I would turn the temperature down until you are finished, then turn it up. That way you’ll have more working time. If you’ve got a dehumidifier that may help as well.

glass in dropping temperature if your eps is low density otherwise you may get outgassing bubbles.

I’d turn it off and leave it off… unless it’s really cold out. Then maybe turn it down to 60 or so. You will get outgassing in a rising temp, but a slow cooling will help pull some of the resin into the foam where a perfect seal has not been achieved. I don’t mind that… my theory is that it helps it bond better. Others may disagree.